Finding Friendship: The Heartwarming Tale of Winston and Ronnie

Winston. Come on, honey.
Let’s go. He wants to be friends with everybody.
Unfortunately, most of them don’t want to be his friend.
None of them really wanted to give him any time of day.
She doesn’t want your affections, Winston.
You guys be nice. He would approach all the other animals.
They would shun him.
No, no, no.
Pretty girl. When Ronnie first got here,
Winston just kept looking over at her.
Winston had approached her stall.
He started to give her kisses
like he had tried with so many other horses.
To our surprise, Ronnie really seemed to enjoy it.
Hi, Ronnie.
There’s this Kindred connection between the two of them.
It’s your girlfriend. Hi.
It was a friendship made in heaven,