Quirky Dilemmas: From Toe Chewin’ to Fanta Tears – A Would You Rather Collection

Would you rather chew your toenails off or someone else’s fingernails?
Chew my toenails off.
Would you rather fart bubbles or burp confetti?
Neither, but probably burp confetti.
Nothing but related. Let’s stay away from the farts.
Would you rather show friends every photo on your phone
or read out loud every text you’ve sent this week?
Uh. Pictures.
Confident? Yep.
Would you rather work an overtime shift with your annoying boss
or spend a full day with your mother in law?
I’ll work with my boss.
Would you rather fight 500 ostriches or one T Rex?
That’s a good question.
I’ll go with the ostriches.
You ain’t being a T Rex.
Would you rather spend the day wearing wet socks
or with a popcorn kernel stuck in your teeth?
Probably wet socks.
Smell like cheese all the time or smell like vinegar all the time?
sweat, maple syrup or cry Fanta soda?
Uh, I’m gonna go with maybe cry Fanta.
Sounds less sticky. A little.
A little snack while you cry, yeah.
Would you rather have to use shrimp flavored toothpaste
or deodorant that smells like cheese?
I’d have to go with the deodorant cause I don’t like shrimp.