Embracing the Diversity and Essence of Dragon Age: A Fan’s Perspective

My favorite thing about Dragon Age is that every game is different and they all have their own unique vibe. If you want to go and play a certain type of game, there is a Dragon Age game for whatever mood you are in. Now, each game, of course, had things that it did better than the others. No game is perfect. No Dragon Age game is perfect. But on a whole, I would say that for these three games to be so good and so beloved does speak to how good each game was at its core. Even though I bet if you ask anybody what their favorite thing about Dragon Age is, they are all going to say something completely different. They’re all gonna have some thing that speaks to them because each game is so unique. Also, I bet if you ask people, well, what makes a Dragon Age game feel like Dragon Age? They’re probably all gonna say something a little bit different too, though I do think a lot of people would probably say, oh, it’s the lore, it’s the actual world itself. Because that’s for me, like Dragon Age is Dragon Age because of the lore, because of the world, because of what is going on. It’s not Dragon Age because of any sort of mechanic in the game. It’s not Dragon Age because of any sort of system that’s in the game. It’s not Dragon Age because they put this type of questing into the game.

The thing about Dragon Age, and sometimes a thing that I think people lose sight of is that Dragon Age is about Dragon Age. It’s about an age of time where things are happening. It’s not about one specific character. You know, the main character changes throughout every game. Yes, there has been some characters who have traveled throughout the different stories, but ultimately, every game is supposed to just tell a story set in the Dragon Age. And so I do think it works really well for each game to have its own style, its own vibe, its own way of going about telling the story because at the end of the day, that’s what makes the stories feel so unique. That’s what makes you say origins is the story of the hero of Feraland Dragon Age 2 is the story of Hawk. Dragon Age Inquisition is the story of the Inquisitor. They all feel like they belong to that individual character. And that’s why I have no worries about Dragon Age, The Veil Guard. I think this is going to feel exactly the way I want it to. It’s going to be a story set in the Dragon Age about rock. I have a lot of faith that they are gonna stay true to Dragon Age lore, that they are gonna tell us a good story that is going to fit into this world that we have been playing in. And yeah, I’m sure things are going to be different from the past games, but all the games have been different. That’s really nothing new. Is there going to be things or I’m gonna say, I wish they had made this more like Dragon Age 2 or, oh, I really missed that and how it worked in Inquisition. Of course I’m gonna say things like that, but I guarantee you there’s also going to be those moments of, oh, I’m so glad they brought that back.

I’m so glad they kept that. I’m so glad they did this as they did in Dragon Age Origins. And of course, there’s going to be things to critique about the game.

If I’m being honest, I have so many problems with Dragon Age Inquisition. But at the same time, I just toss that out the window. I play the game. I have such a good time when I play it, even if for me personally, it’s my least favorite out of the three Dragon Age games we’ve had. So are, and I know a lot of people would disagree with me on that and that is totally fine. That’s the beauty of these games. I love that you can go up to somebody and be like, I love Dragon Age. And they could be like, oh my gosh, I love Dragon Age too. And then you’ll start talking about how much you love Dragon Age Inquisition, but they’ll talk about something completely different because they love Dragon Age Origins. And then you’ve got the brilliant souls whose favorite Dragon Age game is Dragon Age 2, which honestly, I’ve always said The Dragon Age Origins is my favorite Dragon Age game. But I actually think I’m writing on nostalgia. Like I love that game, don’t get me wrong. But I just played Dragon Age 2 again recently, and I think it’s my favorite Dragon Age game. I think I have evolved. I love that when I play Dragon Age Origins, it feels like I’m just wrapping myself in a blanket and being so comforted. But I am so much more attached to my Hawk than I am any other Dragon Age character. Because Hawk just had so much more personality with the voice acting and just how the story unfolded. And then with Inquisition, something that never happens to me happened, and it’s that I can’t decide who I want my Canon is Quizzer to be because I’ve just had so much fun doing all these different playthroughs.

Normally I’m the kind of person that when I play an RPG, that first playthrough is pretty much gonna be my canon one. I’ll go back and I’ll perfect it. I’ll make different choices. I’ll clean things up and have like my perfect playthrough eventually. But that first one is basically gonna be very close to what ends up being canon. But when it comes to Inquisition, the first time I played it, I romance Colin and I was like, that’s gonna probably be my canon playthrough. That’s gonna be my inquisitor. But then I did Black Walls Romance and on a human character, and I absolutely adored her. And then I did Iron Bull’s Romance and just absolutely adored it.

But now I’m doing the soulless romance for the first time. I’d been saving that in my back pocket for a moment when I knew it would be the sweetest moment. And with all the, you know, game coming out and everything, I’m like, hey, I’m gonna finally do my soulless romance.

And like, I love Solas. I always have him on my team. I just never did the romance cuz I wanted to wait for when it was gonna be so good. It’s been so good cuz I’ve played Dragon Age Inquisition right now and doing the soulless romance and that’s gonna end up being my canon inquisitor. I already know it.

But to wrap it all up, all these things, Dragon Age being so vast and different and everybody having something that they love about it, that’s what makes it great. And that’s what’s going to make Dragon Age The Veil Guard great because I do have faith and I do believe they’re going to add an incredible chapter to the Dragon Age story. And honestly, there’s really nothing in, that could happen in this game that will make me not like it again.

Is there gonna be things that I probably don’t like about the game? Of course. Like I said, there’s a ton of things I really dislike about Inquisition. I’ve still played it so many times and loved every single moment of it. I just said Dragon Age 2 was probably becoming my favorite Dragon Age game. I cannot stand the enemy is just falling from the sky on top of you. Endless waves coming at you. It drives me nuts. So it’s like none of these games are perfect, but it’s the world, it’s the characters, it’s that Dragon Age of vibe that makes it feel like Dragon Age that makes me love it. And ultimately, I do have faith that they’re gonna pull that off and that it’s gonna be amazing.

And listen, I protect my peace, okay? I have not been partaking in any of the negativity surrounding this game because quite frankly, I just do not care. There is not one molecule in my body that cares about anybody’s negativity about this game. I am only excited. I have only been interacting with people who are excited. Doesn’t mean we’re in denial. Doesn’t mean there’s not gonna be critiques or criticisms to be had. It just means we wanna play Dragon Age and we wanna have a good time. And I do think I’m gonna have an amazing time. So just remember, if you’re excited for this game, be excited. Interact with other people who are excited. Make your space peaceful. People who are being overly negative or who aren’t gonna play this game or whatever they want to be like, they have their own corner, they have their own people they can be like that with and that’s totally fine. But you don’t have to listen to it.

Come over to my side. Be happy, be excited, be positive. And remember that Dragon Age is literally about the Dragon Age. It is about a time in a world that we are experiencing through different characters. And when you think about it that way, the fact that every story is so different is actually a good thing.