Uncovering the Forgotten Gem: SimCity 64 and the N64 Disc Drive

Here’s a little fun fact
for all you kids who grew up in the 16 bit video game era.
Hands down one of my favorite video games of that era is Sim City now.
The franchise actually went on to produce tons of sequels,
mostly on the PC. But
did you know that the Sim City for the Super Nintendo
actually had its very own sequel?
And I never got to play it.
You probably didn’t either.
That’s because it was released for the fabled N64 disc drive.
That’s right, this baby here is Sims City 64,
released in 2000 for the console
add on that you probably thought never existed.
Well that’s because it only came out in Japan.
And it sports tons of features
that were not only absent in Sim City 2000,
but Sim City 3,000. You could actually go to street level
and walk around your city in a first person view.
You. This is a feature my brother and I used to dream of
when playing SimCity on the Super Nintendo.
Which is probably why my brother
carved his name in the back of the cartridge.