Legends Pack Review: Unpacking Tokens, Odds, and Potential Values

At the current release Legends Pack.
1 81 + 2 83 pluses the legends token.
The odds.
The odds are what you thought they were gonna be.
Hey, what’s 22 points?
Let’s check this out. Let’s check this out today.
Let’s see. Can we.
Can I be great?
Can I be great? Probably not.
Probably not. Legends weekend didn’t treat me great last weekend.
Um, 81
Earl Thomas. No plus.
I think plus ends is gonna be really hard with some of this stuff.
83, Steve Smith.
And for $20, we got another 83.
Uh, the 83 should have some value.
But again, I’m not gonna go into the Legion of boom bundle.
I am, however,
gonna watch the prices of the Legion of boom cards.
Personally, that’s where my head is at.
Uh, no plus.
I would love if I could pick some of those cards up for cheap.
Fantastic. Fantastic.
There ain’t no plus. There ain’t no plus in, um.
At least the cards have some value there.