Title: A Father’s Desperate Search to Prevent His Son’s Suicide

Uh, I need actually to speak to something that’s concerning my son,
who I think is about to commit suicide.
What makes you think that?
Uh, a series of messages I had from him,
including one that said he wants to be dead.
We’re going to Preston Park
to look for a man that might be having suicidal thoughts
and he’s believed to be in a graveyard.
Text to father. Suicide is going to be the best option for everything.
I don’t think there’s necessarily an art to talking to suicidal people.
Suicidal people are just people,
aren’t they?
It’s not just patience. It’s respecting them and their situation,
hoping that you might talk them down
or have some kind of tiny impact on,
you know, what the hell is going on in their life.
I think we found.
Hello? It’s a place.
You okay?
Can you look at me? Mate?
We need to make sure you’re okay.
Gonna take that away from you.
How many have you taken, mate?
Have you taken any of these tablets?
Your dad’s called us.
We just wanna make sure that you’re alright.
Yeah, I’m good.
I’m good. Okay.