Optimally Hot: Embracing the Power of Choice in Self-Confidence and Appearance

Okay. I have always and will always describe myself as optionally hot,
and that is not to be confused with a catfish,
because I can look exactly how I look in my photos.
It’s just like, I don’t choose to.
A lot of times, I have to opt in to become hot.
Like, I’m optionally hot.
Like, if I wanna be hot,
I can be hot. So here I am right now.
It’s different from just getting ready.
It’s not just like, oh,
putting on makeup. No,
it’s like, option in to be hot.
Like, I have not been hot all week.
Like, look at my TikTok.
Maybe, like,
two weeks I haven’t been hot.
So here we go. Let’s get hot.
Okay, there we go.
See? Like,
I knew I had it in me. Like,
I just wasn’t at my full potential.
Like, I wasn’t opting in.
I took the option. There was an option.
I took it. Like,
it’s so much more than looks.
Like, it’s a mindset.
It’s also, I finally got these Heaven Mayhem earrings,
which are definitely, like,
helping my case. Like,
it’s just little things like that that.
Just taking you out the step above.
So here we go. Optionally hot.
My last Friday in New York,
I’m like, don’t want to talk about it,
but. Bye, y’all.