Reflecting on Memories: Gratitude, Collectibles, and Remembering Loved Ones

Hey, everybody. Well, today is our moms third death anniversary. And so I’m grateful that today Torrence and I got to spend a bit of time remembering her, just reflecting on her. And, because the last meal we had with our mom is actually wanton, so the three of us had balls of one town together. So yesterday went to pick up some frozen wanton and today we got to have some wanton and we share some with her as well. So yeah, I’m just grateful that we got to do this together. And what are your dance? And, and right. So yes, grateful for it. Yes. Yes. And the other thing, one of her wishes that we’re still, we have to fulfill is she wants to sail the ocean. So because she was cremated, we do have her ashes.

I’ve yet to find a bottle, be a plastic or glass that we could put it in so that we could include like a letter explaining what she wants and maybe some money in there so she could travel the world. So if any of you have any suggestions on where to find like a solid glass of plastic bottle or a container of some sort. Please comment below. Well, it’s something that we still want to do for her. So yeah, so that’s what’s on our mind today.

I’m also grateful for a few other things. A couple weeks ago, I did a talk for a hospital system health or health system in Ontario, and they sent me some gifts today. So thank you Teams Valley family health services for sending me a very lovely thank you card and like an Amazon gift card and a nice pen that they have there. So yeah, so thank you for that. And then another thing that I got a few, I think last week that I haven’t opened yet. So I’m gonna do it here, which I’m also grateful for too, is that, and I think point and I also talked about before is like things that bring us joy and collectibles and stuff. Yeah, so I just ordered a few things couple weeks ago. And yeah, so some of these collectibles came in. So we’re gonna do a little unboxing while over here. Look at this. Oh, so I’m a big fan of V friends. For those of you who may not know, they’re kind of like Pokemon meets Disney meets learning about good things, created by someone called Gary Vaynerchuk. So yeah, the, this is one of the characters. This is a willful wizard. Yeah, so this is one of 200 some odd characters. Yeah, I order this on via Macy’s. Here we found excellence. Correct. So that’s a wilful wizard. This one. Yeah, so this one is called be the bigger person. So you see the bigger character is a heart holding kind of like an angry cloud or hugging the angry cloud. Yeah, so another very cool character in the V friends collection here. And then the last one is the kind of the final of, okay, of be the bigger person. Very nice. So in the collection, at least for the vinyl, the large vinyl here, there’s six characters in all. I’d say my favorite is the Gratitude Gorilla and the Genuine giraffe, let’s say. Yeah, those two are my favorite for sure. So yeah, that’s what I’m grateful for that these collectibles came in, adding it to my collection here. So any final thoughts before we sign off? I love you, mom. We love your mom. I know she keeps us showing up in our dreams. I know. Torrent said our mom showed up this weekend or last week and she also did a for me as well. So yeah, also curious, so what kind of rituals any of you out there practice in terms of remembering your loved ones would love to learn and maybe apply. So what we do is we have like an area in our home with our mom’s photos and all that. And it’s something that, yeah, we talked to, we go see daily so that we could like talk to our mom and stuff. And yeah, something that keep us connected to to our to her and for our other ancestors to like our grandparents and stuff. So yeah, would love to know what all of you use as a way to remember your loved one so well, that’s what we’re grateful for. What are you grateful for today?