Betrayal, Deception, and the Destruction of a Family: A Harrowing True Story

Have a whole family and another woman will come in and disrupt it and destroy it. True story, this actually happened to me. I have three children with my ex husband. Our twin daughters were babies when his side piece sent me videos of him and her embed together. It was a self recorded selfie of him holding his phone and I don’t know what he was doing in the video, but he’s like talking to the camera and she’s lying in bed next to him. She’s wearing a black lingerie. 90 and she sent me a couple of these like quick clips and then she didn’t say who she was. So I responded to the video cuz this was all on Instagram by the way, which is why I have been off of Instagram. I was traumatized from that actually happening. It gave me complete anxiety. I can. I just was done with Instagram after that, which sucks because I had my personal page on there, but I also had my jewelry business on Instagram.

When asked, who is this, I responded to the person right away. They started. I could see that they were typing in their messages. Sorry, I can’t say. He’s already embarrassed me enough. That’s what her response was to me. He’s already embarrassed her enough. So I take my phone and I bring it to him and I’m like, I kept my composure, you guys, as best as I could. I was like, honey, what is this, a video of you in bed with another woman? And he saw some of the clips. We could not replay them because once they were done, it was just like, it was, it. I don’t know if she deleted it or something weird was going on, but he’s like shaking my, he’s holding my phone. He’s looking, but he’s shaking his hands are shaking and he immediately like denies in he’s like, I don’t know what that is. It looks edited. That’s not me. Like it was like the whole Shaggy song, it wasn’t me. So he’s scrambling to his feet and he’s trying to think of how can I get out of this? So he makes a bit an excuse to go to the grocery store. And this was really early in the morning. I’m kid. I kid you not. It was like six something in the morning. And I had to get our son ready for school cuz, like I said, our daughters were babies, so they weren’t in school and I was to stay at home mom with the kid. So I had to start getting my son’s lunch together and pull myself together to pretend like everything was okay. Like I didn’t want my son to see that I was upset that I had received something so disturbing.

And this type of is so because it’s like these sick type of women, they don’t care, like whether you’re going through some type of postpartum or whatever. You maybe you don’t have to be going through postpartum, but something like that can send any person over the edge because you work hard and you fight for your family. And your job is to protect and love and honor your family. Your family comes first. But when you’re with a person that’s so deceiving and they’re doing sneaky behind your back and they’re not loving and honoring you and that same way that you’re with your marriage and your family and they’re cheating with disgusting horrors like that have no shame. And Terran a family apart because they’re the lowest of the totem pole. That is enough to hurt you the most, you know, like so many people, we don’t sign up to be single moms, but we have to choose that option because we will not tolerate disrespect, lies, betrayal, dishonesty and abuse. They will create a page, start following your page, and be liking all your family pictures. Yes, I’m speaking from experience. And then this HEFA had the nerve to say like, oh, my friend found his social media and she saw that he was still married because he told me that you guys were separated and going through a divorce and he only married you because you needed health insurance. As if I was a male order bride. But these narcissistic women, they want to believe anything that the person is telling them. They wanna believe what the man is telling them, the lies that they’re being fed, and they act like they’re innocent when they really know what the deal is because they have no shame or remorse for tearing a family apart. She knew we were living in a house, a five bedroom house with two and a half bathrooms, 5.2 acres of land.

When she started following my account. She’d had did her research, found out where I was originally from and titled her Instagram page after where I would I grew up. And since I was doing a lot of fitness post from my postpartum workouts with our twin daughters, she started putting things about fitness on her fake Instagram page. Oh, oh, you have such a beautiful family. She was acting like she was like this new interested follower and all of my . Then Bam, out of the blue, she starts sending me these direct messages of her in bed with my husband.

And she thought that my husband really loved her. A man can do all that he did to his whole entire family, the family that he went in on buying a home with and having three children with. Think that he’s gonna love you. He couldn’t even love his own. A liar is a liar. I don’t know why people lie to their selves and think that they’re gonna be the exception to the rule, that maybe they can change that manner. He’s gonna be a great stand up guy when it comes to them. They’re gonna be faithful. She and my ex husband were texting each other pictures of each other’s kids cuz she was at that point a single mom. So she’s texting pictures of her child to my ex husband and then he’s talking about her child, like including her in future, faking future plans with her about how he was going to have her daughter and my son modeling.

Yet I was the one taking our kids to casting calls. I got our children signed up with the management company who had them running to the city all the time for castings. But yeah, he was gonna do it, but he would decline it when it came time to s us being in a Vine. Like when our girls booked a commercial and our son had an audition the same day. And I was like, oh, shoot, can you take our son to this casting? Cuz I gotta take the girls to this commercial ship. This is my day off. That’s what you guys do. And I need to relax. I’m supposed to relax. I should be able to relax on my day off. Don’t ever ask me to do this again. We got treated like chop liver so he can go off in dangle and frolic around with this type of low pedigree ho.