Embracing Visibility: Overcoming Fear of Criticism and Standing Out in Business and Personal Branding

We let people that have no voice,
no control over our life, control our life.
And this is why I keep trying to emphasize people that have businesses,
a clothing brand, a storefront,
post content so people know you exist.
You may be a great person,
you may have a great product,
a great, great food,
great shirt, hat, training,
whatever the case is, but people gotta know you exist.
Yes. People gotta know what you offer,
like, what you do.
If not, then how do I know what you offer?
And even then, it’s like,
you gotta show out your personal personality to them.
Everybody has, probably has the same business.
Like, I know there’s other podcasters out there,
but, like,
what makes you different? Exactly.
It’s our personality. Just, yeah,
being us. So you guys think it’s just scary for.
For people to.
To go on social media because they’re afraid of the judgment?
Of course, dude,
if it was. If it was easy,
everyone would do it. If it was that easy
just to post a silly little video and make a little silly video,
wouldn’t we all be content creators?
People criticize everybody.
That’s the thing. I think that that’s the scariest part,
the criticizing and dealing with the criticism from other people.
Yeah, that’s what holds a lot of people back.
Once you put yourself out there the first time,
you literally have to just be ready for all the criticism
that Comes with it. Because people are gonna talk shit no matter what.
They’re not gonna talk about your content.
They’re gonna talk about something else.
They’re gonna find something to talk about.
So it really doesn’t matter at the end of the day.