Navigating Love and Strategy in the Reality TV World: Behind the Scenes of My Experience

Me kissing Nigel situation and he was upset saying like, you kiss Nigel and I was like, you know, playing my part. And I was like, yeah, you weren’t in the game. And then he goes on and says, well, John called Britain to come for the kiss cuz it was her turn to kiss somebody, so she called Britain like you could have did that. Like, no. And then at that moment, I was like, , like maybe I messed up because he sees that, you know, I had kissed Nigel. And so, yeah, I really wasn’t certain that I was gonna end up going in the house, but then he ended up saying like, do you wanna match? And so then I was just like completely caught off guard. And so then obviously, you know, I said yes, and then he instantly regressive, right? So he goes and, okay, keep in mind, I told you that some of us still were in like under the impression that you could match with whoever. So Dom and Britain had, they were making out because they had just matched or they thought they matched. While they’re in the middle of making out, he literally goes to Britain and ask her to match after he just matched with me. So obviously it was like, you know, like you can’t do that. You just ask to match. But then my boy was very upset about it. So then I was like, okay, it’s possible. But then Britain said no, that was how me and Kaz matched. And obviously, I’m not stupid. I’m not born yesterday. Like, I know what it is. I knew I was a cast type, but I was just really happy that I finally made it in the house and that I could just have a little bit of an experience. Also, I want to clear the error on like how they made the edit come off as if I slept with him. So how they had like Mica matched with Izzy, which I’m just gonna say that made no sense. If there’s people saying that they weren’t hungry for screen time, but you stay in the house when you say like, ugh, I don’t wanna have to wake up and see Christine with Kaz, but you put yourself in a position to wake up and see Christine and Kaz. It’s like just left. Harry left when the Asians whole thing didn’t work out is he left like Justin left, but she stayed. And then the remark of her saying like, I know they’re hooking up and then it goes into me making out with him. I don’t like that. We do not hook up. And I know it comes off as that based on the editing, but I just want to clear that because I’m not that type of person. And I know that based on like how my edits have been on TV, like my past show and just even this show in general. Y’all would think the best type of girl I am absolutely not. I did not know that. Boy has.

The next day was my first challenge. The goal was for me to win, go in the boardroom and then hopefully, fingers cross, Nigel would have been on there and set myself on a date with him. But obviously we didn’t win that challenge and Tolu one, which made me feel a lot better because next morning me and her in the restroom when we’re talking and you know, we were discussing, you know, the chemistry the Nigel and I had and we both agreed that like if Nigel is on there that she’s gonna set me on a date. My girl came through and that’s exactly what she did.

Shout out to Tolu. I was very excited to go on that day with Nigel, but this is where I messed up. This is where I went wrong, and this is where I’ll admit that my pride and my ego came in the way because this is the moment where I try to be strategic and it blew up in my face. We all know Kaz likes his ego strokes. He loves his ego stroked. And it affects his ego when another man’s in a picture. And so obviously, he knew about Nigel and he knew there was like a little bit of chemistry between Nigel and I. Strategy wise, I was on some, okay, I know he’s an f boy, I know he’s a gasfighter, I know he’s a manipulator. And what made me so furious, like when you see the swing scene and I’m so upset, I wanna to blindside him the same way that he blindsided Holly, Britain and Mica. I wanted to pull a hem on him on some savage and it blew up in my face. He ended up going back to my gut. I did not think that after everything that went down and how upset she was at him with how he had continued to treat her, that she would take him back. I actually asked her to match while I was on my date with Nigel. At that moment, I was live did. So that conversation came off a lot more light than what it really was because I cussed a lot. So obviously they did have to cut a lot of the stuff that I said. The thing that makes me upset is it looks like I walked off on that conversation saying, oh, that’s stupid towards him saying like we’re not compatible. I walked off and said that’s stupid because this man goes, we’re not compatible because you want a big house and I don’t. I was literally the dumbest thing that I’ve ever heard. So that’s why I got up and I walked away and I was just like so annoyed because at that moment I knew it’s gonna make me look like a terrible person. And I was upset about the fact that like, I didn’t want it to come off that, oh, like, I was so unsure about Nigel. The biggest fear was making it come off as if Nigel was my second option when that was never the case. Strategy is just not for me. Other people who are being strategic as well or like 10 steps ahead of me. So that was a lesson Learned for me.

The next day was another challenge and it was gonna be my first challenge with Nigel. And at that moment, I honestly was nervous because I didn’t know what Nigel’s red flags were. So I didn’t get a chance to learn any of that. Why did we win that challenge? There was these chains and I had like red flags on it. And so we had to pull them out. And there’s like a whole bunch of red flags. And you had to put on like the little board what your top 10 red flags were set. And the only thing that we missed was one red flag. And at that moment is when I really realize like, Dang, like me and Nigel really do see eye to eye.

That challenge really made me realize like, wow, like we really are compatible. We have the same views on things. That challenge was cut out because we won that challenge, we got a date. And so that paint date was actually the date that we got because of the challenge.

Next day was the final dates. We had this date where it was like this, like at formed, I was like in the water. And so we were walking up and there was like this traditional dancer. He was like blowing this horn and doing this performance and then he was like luring us into like the table to sit down and then we had like a whole bunch of people performing for us. Oh, it was such a vibe. It was beautiful and the water was so blue. Oh, no, it was beautiful. But they cut that date out, too. So the day after the final dates was the finale. But like I said previously, like I didn’t know nobody. So all the only people that I really knew from prior was Elise. So I was like, oh yeah, like nobody’s gonna vote for me. I was okay with that because I was actually happy that I had like this connection with Nigel. I’m gonna go down to each couple and break down why they weren’t a perfect match. The girls were the ones who truly and genuinely had feelings for the guys, but the guys were all playing the game.

Hello. And Chris, I already told you he was fake, in the funk. Lots of little stuff that he said that gave off that he wasn’t interested in Tolu, even to the point where when he goes back home, he’s a Kiki king with people telling them how he faked it with Tolu. And obviously that got back to me, so I snitched. That was disgusting and actually pissed me off because you’re not gonna do that. Like I said it before, you’re not gonna do that. You’re not going to use a black woman for cloud.

Months later, like nine months later, he literally sees Tolu for the first time in LA because Tolu came out here and I was with her at the circle event and he basically asked her, so like, so like, what do we can do? Like they haven’t spoken. So like, what are we gonna do about the show? Basically insinuating like, how are we gonna fake the fund? She looking at him like he’s a user, he’s a cloud chaser, anything that comes out of his mouth. So you’re a little 15 minutes of fame that you’re thinking that you’re having, it’s 16 minutes and your time is up. He also got lucky that his apology to the LGBTQ community during the finale didn’t make the cut. John, got to see on that side. One thing that I actually like that still made the cut was Kaz coming unprovoked for Nigel and saying that Christine says she likes alpha men, but Nigel is not an alpha. Just unprovoked. That I just feel like that line itself tells a lot about how his mindset was throughout the show. How jealous he is, how he wants all these women to stroke his ego and only be for him. That’s literally why I called him out the way that I called him out. And obviously, the way that I could come off is as if I was bitter, but that was not the case. The highlight of my night, y’all, when this man, like that man is an actor, like saying the L word by saying, he goes and then the. And that’s the. And everybody, oh, oh, if you let her, why less than 24 hours after the camera stopped filming while we were at the hotel, like at the bar, all drinking and partying. Did you kiss you know who? But you let Mica. Why did you do that? If you let her, I do feel like comparatively, Alara and Steven were better than any of the other couples. Like they were better. Like, I do agree with that. However, I do feel like it was more like a lustful relationship, like she was all in. You can tell that she really liked him. Something was off about him. Everything was obviously for show. Like I said, he literally couldn’t even fake the funk one week after we stopped filming because he ghosted her at like the recent summer break event that we went to. He literally told Britain that he wished that he matched up with her instead. Like these men are literally . Brian, Elise, Brian, that’s the explanation. That’s kind of like a breakdown on like.