Close Call: How a Faulty Computer Almost Burned Down My Camaro

This little computer right here actually almost burned down my Camaro.
And this is not an exaggeration.
Now, I told you guys that yesterday
I came outside, and I luckily caught my Camaro’s fuel pump running,
or the external fuel pump that’s located underneath the car.
I added it, I wired it,
and basically did the entire thing.
And like I previously explained,
that fuel pump is never supposed to turn on
unless your foot is like that.
So the car was completely off.
I got lucky. I heard it running.
I was like, what is going on here?
And I completely unplug the entire thing.
Last night, I went ahead and looked into why this happened,
and this is actually the fuel pump control module
that controls when the pump turns on and off.
It’s basically the computer or the mind of the fuel pump.
And as you all can tell, it went bonkers on me because it fried.
Water got in there and caused all sorts of corrosion.
And that’s exactly why it’s turning on
or drawing power when it shouldn’t be.
This seal obviously did not keep the water out whatsoever.
Overall, I’m just grateful that I caught it,
you know? Who knows how long it was running for.
Maybe about 30 minutes before I realized.
But when I pulled this box off,
it was super hot, along with the wires that go to it, too.
Now, imagine I wasn’t home and nobody else realized,
you know, And I was completely out of state.
Like, I was in California about three days ago for a week.
Who knows what would have happened?
Let’s just get the replacement, and we’ll be good.