Dig for Victory: How Dr. Carrot Helped Britain Win the Food War During World War II

Dr Carrot – the children’s best friend
so the Second World War in Britain was also known as a food war
because before the war about 75% of Britain’s food was imported
mostly from the Empire and
by the end of the war 1945
it was the other way round
75% of the food was actually made in Britain
and all it was due to people digging out their gardens
and converting them into allotments
as you see here so
as I said every row of vegetables in allotments save shipping
we also have more examples over here
the posters that they created to celebrate these as well
so you can see here this when in Portsmouth
they’re digging up the Ladies Mile to turn it into allotments
dig for victory step on it
and the allotment numbers
started at the beginning of all
they were 815,000 by the end they were 1.4 million
and people were encouraged to turn their flower beds into vegetable patches
and to grow fruit and veg
dig for victory to win the war
public areas will also plowed to facilitate allotments too