Title: Embracing Emotional Release: The Power of Loosening Up Physically for Mental Well-being

yeah it’s crazy the relationship between the body and the
and the and the emotions
um and so often
we’re so unconscious of how we are physically restricting and limiting our
our emotional expression through our body
so I’ll give you an example
when we crying when we’re sobbing
most of the time we screw our faces upright
so like
we go like this and we’re
like sobbing and we’re crying
we’re we’re squeezing our eyes closed
and we’re squeezing our our
our face into a ball like
we’re tightening everything up
when actually what the emotion needs and what what
what the emotion is inviting us into is release
the opposite of the tightening
and so it’s such a powerful practice
when you next feel yourself sobbing or crying or processing grief uh
just pay attention to anywhere in your body where your type
but particularly around your face
and release that tightness
like allow the tears to come up
instead of squeezing your eyes closed
just allow them to flow naturally
and loosen your jaw loosen your whole face very intentionally
just pay attention to loosening releasing
loosening releasing
it will allow the emotions to move so much faster
and it’s it’s
it’s really a game changer highly recommend