Safely Flipping Your Eyelids: A Step-by-Step Guide

Alright, I’ll do it first of all
not really a reason that anyone needs to be doing this frequently
so I wouldn’t encourage you to just flip your lids on a daily basis
there’s really no reason but since y’all are asking for it
I will definitely show you how to safely flip your lids and remember
your optometrist will be doing this for you
generally when you come in for an exam
if you have any kind of complaints
anything stuck in your eyes
anything that you feel like is bothering you
we do this so that we can ensure sure that there is nothing going on
on the undersides of your lids as well
especially with our contact lens wearers
or any of our patients who have allergies
or any other complaints related to the front part of the eye okay,
so step No. 1 is washing your hands
make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly
before kind of introducing anything to the front surface of the eye
we just wanna make sure your hands are clean next
you’re gonna want to grab a Q tip
this is going to help with the actual flipping part of the lid
I do this with my patients
I first ask them to look up
and I will grab or kind of get close to the lash line there
then I’ll get them to look down
and you can see here how I’m getting my eyelashes all on my
Thumb area there.
Then you are going to pull the lashes very gently.
No tugging. Use that Q tip to pop that lid out
just like that.
And then you want to do a gentle flip back
and gently pat and massage that lid back down
because we don’t want any further irritation.
There you have it. Now you know how to do it.