An Evening of Intrigue and Betrayal: A Recap of the Red Wedding

Welcome to the Red Wedding.
Welcome to the basement. Welcome to our basement.
We wanted to watch it in the basement
because we have a 75 inch TV down here.
And this episode’s about to get a little crazy.
Oh, this is about to get crazy.
Can you jump? Is there a worse way of dying than beheading?
Yeah, torture.
Well, that went better than expected.
There’s gotta be a catch in there somewhere.
How do you know that?
I read about it in a very old book.
I’m gonna cry. I love Cersei so much.
I thought that was Bran. How embarrassing that she missed.
Might even make it there on your own.
They don’t seem to be that far. Just under the river.
They’ll find us if you don’t.
It would be a good thing, though.
How fast is your heart racing right now? Dude,
I’m like, sweating.
No, that’s not. He killed Kid Rock.
Forget her. He was right next to his brother. I didn’t even.
I hope this guy dies. I don’t like him.
What’s better than this? Guys being dudes.
I want everyone to wear black if I get married.
Except for one person in a green dress.
Olivia Cooke.
He still doesn’t know what I was just gonna say.
He doesn’t know what she looks like.
Yeah. Oh, she’s ugly.
You haven’t met. Over in my town.
Now I have to protect you.
Rob’s at war, and I’m going beyond the Wall,
if something happens to us.
You’re the heir to Winterfell.
Will you know how to find the last half?
You Southerners build your big castles and you never move.
You’re easy to find.
We don’t have to do any of this.
Your family took me in.
And it was good to me when they had no close to me.
Are you crying? No.
I can’t even wanted either of them to die.
Take it back. They’re too cute.
And Darius Harris.
Don’t you drink, Lord Bolton?
Never do, my lady.
Dulls the senses. That’s the point.
You’re Grace. I am.
And the wedding needs a bedding.
What does my sire say?
It seems to me the father should have some say in his son’s naming
I do.
Why would they do that?
I feel like being remiss in my juices.
Are you ready to end her? The Winterfell. It’s over.

too late.
The king in the north arises.
Lord Walder. Enough.
Let it end. He is my son.
My first son. But let Rob go.
Rob, get up.
Get up and walk out. On my honor as a Tully.
On my honor as a stark.
Let him go or I will cut your wife’s throat.
I’ll find another
The Lannisters send their regards.
They killed everyone.
What the fuck? My heart is, like,
pounding so hard right now.
Okay, so that was fucking insane.
She was right there. She was.
Right there. Brian was right there.
Oh, my god, these poor kids