Roasting Your Builds: A Hilarious Critique of Inglewood Cottage

Your builds are bad and you should feel bad.
So we’re roasting them. How many times is too many times?
I want a comprehensive, like,
full guide of how many times you’ve asked
and what you’ve said when you asked.
Anyway, we’re gonna do this Inglewood cottage
because everything else you build is, like,
just white. Just the whole thing’s white. Why?
First off, perfect.
Make sure that you upload your builds during the dead of winter,
when there’s a heavy snowfall,
and also in the middle of the fucking night
so we can’t see it. Okay,
actually, maybe I see.
Maybe I see why you did that.
Um, it does look a lot better when you can’t actually see the build.
Okay, so finally we have someone that uses terrain paint.
Um, but this is very.
It’s harsh. It’s harsh terrain paint.
Okay, why do we have three of the same rock?
Also, no railing on the porch.
No regard for anyone’s safety whatsoever.
I love this bedroom where only some of the windows have curtains,
not all of them. We don’t need curtains on all the windows.
It’s fine if our neighbours can see us.
Why is the kids bedroom, like,
the size of a tiny home? And also the only way to get out to the porch?
Like, you just have to walk through your children’s bedroom
to go to your porch.