Creating Bioluminescent Art: Adventures with an Angler Fish and Sand Dollar

thirty six hours ago
we put our angler fish
in the fiery furnace
to collect her bioluminescence
welcome back to part 6
of making a ceramic angler fish
so as you can see
she did survive
but her star lure
is looking a little less starlike
so I have a plan don’t worry
but first look
where I found her boyfriends
she was eating them again
the plan was simple
I would take this drimmel
and carve away some of that excess glaze
and get it back to star shaped
I used this bear as a test
it worked great
so I did that
and then left her out in the sun to dry
now one thing we need
is the dark
because glow in the dark right
so while I was waiting
for that to happen
I started working
on a ceramic sand dollar
I wanna make a nice plump sand dollar
something that I can make into a shaker
so I used this half sphere mold
to create a half sphere 🤓
and then I would use that
as the base of my sand dollar
I slipped and scored it
to this flat piece
and then I originally put some balls on the inside
I say originally because I realized the
sand dollar teeth
are one of the most iconic parts of the sand dollar
so I actually opened it back up
took the balls out of the sand dollar
and made some little stars to go inside
as the sand dollar teeth
if everything goes well obviously
a person would never see the teeth inside
but it’s just a fun little thing
I do plan to make
this sand dollar nice and fluffy
but just as I was finishing this up
I realized it was getting dark
which means it’s time
for our angler fish
so I put the sand dollar in a bag
to dry slowly
and then loaded my bisque fire for tonight
and here she is so
as you can see stars looking great
and are you ready
so there we have it an anglerfish
her four boyfriends
and her lure full
of bioluminescent friends