Late Night Confessions Over Vodka: A Candid Conversation

Want another vodka and tap?
I don’t. I don’t think so.
I think that 12 is my limit.
Yeah, I think my limits about 1,000. Now.
Now, look,
I don’t want you to worry anymore. You just stop worry.
He took your number. You had this one
song from The Patty Duke Show?
Yeah. He even knew.
We laugh a lot. We talk
this here. And then we got into this really great conversation
about which you’d rather be on the Patty Duke Show.
Patty or Kathy. Really?
Right. And he said that he’d rather be Patty
because of her growing up in America
in Brooklyn Heights and being normal and everything.
And I said that I would rather be Cathy
because of getting the chance to grow up in Europe,
but he. And he said that he understood,
but he would still rather be Patty
because she could always,
when she grew up, move to Europe,
but Kathy couldn’t because she.
If she grew up in America,
she’d already be grown up.
You said this scale.
A person with the capacity to say something that sensitive
about the Patty Duke Show
is not going to not call you Shirley.
You’re right.
Listen, I’m.
You know, you’re very lucky to have met this guy.
You know the kind of guy I met?
You know, the kind of guy who tells you extremely funny stories
about the mistakes they made on.
On his master charge Bill.
Walk, walk,
walk, walk,
no. I’m so bored.
I’m so drunk. I mean,
do something. What?
Do something. I don’t know.
I don’t know. I know.
Let’s tell each other nauseating things
about the things we do in private.
no, I know.
No, let’s.
Let’s tell each other something that we never told anybody else before.
Okay. Okay. Ready?
Yeah. Okay.
Okay. Um.
I hate my breasts.
What? I hate him.
I hate him. I hate the shape of him.
I hate one more than the other.
And I just. I just.
I’ve never seen him in a magazine.
Well, well, alright.
Well, I appreciate your frankness.
I appreciate.
I think that it takes a great deal of courage to say a thing like that.
Thank you. Now it’s your turn.
You tell me something you never told anyone else.
Okay. Okay.
Sometimes I think I am extremely sexy.
Really? Yes.
Mostly it happens when I’m alone.
Sometimes happens when I’m walking through a store.
Why then?
I don’t know. I am just telling you the pattern.
well, I’m having a.
You know something. If he doesn’t call you,
I mean, if he does not call,
I mean, you.
You will not have to go through that.
That awful thing. You know when a guy sleeps over your house,
he leaves the toilet seat up,
you go into the bathroom,
you sink down two feet into the freezing cold porcelain.
Yeah, that’s true.
Plus. Plus.
Which you do not have. To worry about what angle to lie on the bed
so the fat on your thighs doesn’t spread out.
That’s what I’m talking about.
Oh, oh,
oh, listen.
Yeah, let me tell you something,
I. What?
I have a story here. I know this is gonna make you feel a lot better.
Okay? Now look here, okay, alright.
I went out with this guy this one time,
and like, you know,
I was gonna be really open with this guy, right?
I mean, I was gonna really show this guy how I felt about him, right?
So he was a doctor, okay?
So. So I went into this card store
and, uh,
I found this tiny little duck.
This is tiny and you’re all in it.
And I have this little speed little.
The monitor and his head on his little teeny,
tiny little case. And I send it to him,
you know, he never called me again.
I don’t feel better.
Oh, alright,
so what if he doesn’t call?
So what are we talking? This is.
This is just another guy. Yeah,
I know it’s just another guy,
but why. Why can’t it be easy?
Like, there’s a movies in box.
I know it, I know it,
I know, I know,
I know.
The couple is lying on the beach with some impromptu beach barbecue,
right? And they get into this conversation about like,
Norman Mailer or something.
And at first they’re on. They’re on real opposite sides of The issue.
I mean. I mean,
these people are enemy. I mean,
these people really hate each other.
Yeah, right?
And then. And then he comes over to her
while the embers are dying and all that stuff,
you know? And they both find out they real.
They both really love old Cold Porter songs.
And they start singing them together real quietly in the.
And like, the beat.
She’s getting cold. And she puts on this big.
One of these big, bulky fisherman knit sweaters, right?
And then they have this, like,
pretend fight about the lyrics to this one song.
And before you even know about it,
even though it is freezing cold on the beach,
these people are making love on the beach.
And then they’re like, he.
He comes over and says something about the waves,
and she ends up crying about her dead father.
And he. He ends up kissing her face all over,
even though I just met her about an hour ago.
And then she looks up at him with this tear stained face.
And he doesn’t even have to say to her,
you’re beautiful even though you’re crying,
because we can all see she’s beautiful even though she’s crying.
And then they fall in love.
But my question is,
when she’s crying,
why doesn’t her nose ever run?
I mean, why are those girls.
Why is it their nose never runs?
I mean, they can be crying and kiss the guy while They’re crying,
but they never have to stop and blow their nose.
This is not going to call you,
which is? I don’t know.
Why is it those girls never have to blow their nose?
Yeah, I’m up.
Oh, nothing