Reviving the CAR Series: Exploring Gas Cars with a Lamborghini Urus Test Drive

Everyone’s been asking for an update on the CAR series.
I know I owe it to you guys.
It’s been a while since our last episode,
so let’s talk about it. In case you missed it,
I’m in the market to buy a new car.
I want to get rid of my Tesla.
So I asked you guys for your recommendations,
and over the last couple of months,
we have reviewed 11 of some of the best electric cars money can buy.
And I would have never imagined
that the series would become one of the most viral on all of Tik talk,
garnering more than 100 million views.
So thank you,
because your love and support really does mean the world to me.
But I will say, more than 75% of you guys
that are coming back
and watching every single new episode of the car series
are not actually following.
That is so. Oh, fake.
That is fake of you.
So click the little plus button right over there and you can follow
and you’ll never miss a new episode of the car series.
Which, speaking of,
the reason why there hasn’t been one
is because
we’ve almost ran out of electric cars we’d actually test drive.
There are a couple left,
and I’m still trying to get them for the future,
but basically I have two options.
Either completely stop
and just wait for them to become available to me,
or a lot of you guys have been Recommending in the comments
that I should start test driving
gas cars. I’ve not gone to the gas station in more than 10 years,
and I really don’t want to.
But out of the 11 cars that we’ve test driven so far,
I don’t know if I have found the perfect one for me.
And I could be limiting myself.
So I’m down to try it out
just for you guys. And I figured if we’re gonna move on to gas cars,
might as well start off with one of the best of the best.
So behind me is the brand new Lamborghini Urus.
Look at this thing. Holy shit.
You guys, this starts retail price at 229 thousand dollars.
Depending on your location.
That will literally buy you a house.
I cannot even believe this is in my driveway right now.
Now this is what it looks like from the side profile.
It’s obviously giving very rich,
very sporty, very luxurious.
And the front. Oh,
the front is very sexy. I gotta be honest.
It’s a Lamborghini. Doesn’t get much more rich and luxurious than that.
In other episodes. We popped this open to see if there’s a Frank inside.
Can I already tell you spoiler alert?
There is not one. Because there’s an engine in there.
And obviously this car is not electric.
So if I take you around to the back,
the charging port does not exist.
Instead, we press right here,
and there’s a gas tank. Which,
by the way, if you care,
the US gets between 12 and 17 miles per gallon.
Not great. Let’s go around to the back.
Which also looks extremely nice and luxurious.
It’s a Lamborghini. If I’m sending $229,000,
this shit better look nice.
And at least it does. I do owe one quick shout out in today’s video.
I’ve told you guys, this series is going to remain unsponsored
and unbiased the entire time.
I don’t give a fuck what car is in my driveway.
I’m gonna tell y’all exactly how it is.
But I do want to give a really quick shout out to ASR Exotics.
They are an incredible exotic car rental company here in Los Angeles.
They were fans of the car series
and reached out to me and basically
offered to bring a ton of exotic cars over for the series,
which I am so, so fucking appreciative of.
They have literally single handedly saved the series, bitch.
So thank you so much to them.
Please go check them out. Please show some love and support,
because this series is literally back and revived thanks to ASR. Anyway,
let’s pop up in the trunk.
Of course we can press the button on the key,
but instead we’re gonna do this.
That’s some Harry Potter shit.
There’s honestly a ton of trunk space back here.
This is pretty spacious and gorgeous.
Obviously we’re putting a pause on electric cars,
but I still wanted to do an SUV.
I Could not be caught dead in a fucking tiny ass car.
Let’s check out the inside. We have black interior.
Oh my god. And that’s it.
It has a cup holder in the middle.
No touch screens. And the worst of all,
there isn’t even a fucking charging port.
All we have is more cigarette lighters.
We might as well be in a fucking horse and carriage.
What the fuck is that? Not looking good.
Let’s go to the front. This is what it looks like in the front.
I will say it’s very nice looking.
Lamborghini. Italian.
We have the nice little steering wheel.
We have all the front little details.
We have a screen here, here and here.
Three screens. Not bad for a non electric car.
I’m into that. Now.
Speaking of sports car, let’s turn this on.
I know there’s a lot of men watching that
probably just got off to that sound.
I’m so sorry. You’re a fucking loser.
I don’t get it. I don’t get it.
It’s a 647 horsepower engine,
which I know to some people is like,
oh yeah, that’s so.
Who cares? To me it’s annoying,
it’s loud, it’s fucking obnoxious.
No one wants to hear that.
Driving down the street.
You look like a fucking loser trying to overcompensate for something.
It’s not my vibe. Once again,
I know that I’m the odd one out.
I know that a lot of people do like that sound.
So maybe being in A car like this will help me pick up a man.
It’s probably too loud for you people to even hear out there,
so why don’t you come get in the car with me?
Everything inside looks really nice.
It’s giving sports car. All of this is, like,
so cool to me. You flip this up.
This is how I actually started the car.
This is how you reverse. You, like,
pull this, like a fucking lever, like, hello.
That is so fucking sick.
We have all the different modes here that I can switch between as well.
It starts off on Strada, which is Italian for street to normal driving.
We have sport. We have Corsa,
which is, like,
racing mode. Wow.
Did you just feel that? Whoa.
We have Sabia, which is if you’re driving, like,
in the desert on sand. We have Tara,
which is, like,
earth on, like,
rocky terrain. And then we have navy,
which is driving in snow. Let’s take a look at this front screen here.
Okay. Not the worst design.
Not much to offer. Radio, media,
telephone, navigation.
We’ll take a look at car play in a second.
But as for the maps, we always love to take a look.
It’s honestly not the worst that we’ve tried.
If we zoom in, like,
at least there’s some. Some sort of details and fun colors and streets,
but it’s still pretty ugly.
We have heating and cooling seats,
which is very nice. Also
If we press this button right here,
we do have a full sunroof,
which is gorgeous because this car being black,
interior is very nice. However,
it does feel very small and cramps.
That’s really gorgeous. And we can also open this up too
and actually have a full on,
like, summer vacation up at the top.
Open this up. We have the middle console.
Oh, wireless charging.
Please tell me this is gonna work.
Oh, wireless charging.
Loading your mobile device.
It is charging. That just took a lot longer than it should have.
That’s about it in there. And then last but not least,
we have a little slot for the key that goes right there.
Fun cup holder. Who the fuck has cups this small?
Look at the water bottle that I’m drinking from today.
There’s really not that much to offer in here.
Obviously, the beauty of a Lamborghini is how it actually drives.
Let’s go. So to go for a touch up,
I’m gonna pull this. The backup camera looks okay quality.
And we have the nice drone shot camera or two,
which is always good. I hate the fucking noise already.
You can hear how obnoxious this sounds.
Feels pretty smooth so far.
Let’s go over a speed bump. Bitch.
I barely fucking felt that. Hello.
I wanna like, put it into fucking sport mode and like,
really gas it, but I’m scared.
This car can go up to 190.
Seven miles an hour. What the fuck?
Why would you ever need to do that?
That’s like a full on F1 race.
Where’s Charles Leclerc?
I’m gonna put it into sports mode and we’re gonna try this out.
Ready, sport?
Oh, my god.
Oh, wow.
I do not fucking like that.
Oh, my god.
I hated that. That fell out of my control.
That felt unsafe and like I had zero control over the car.
Let’s test out the audio system,
and I will show you guys a little snippet
of my next song that’s coming out.
I’m so fucking excited for this one. Here we go.
I literally cannot wait for the song to come out.
You guys are going to die.
Hope you guys are excited.
I’m not very excited about this car, though.
If I’m being all right, we’re home.
I don’t really know how to feel about this.
Now that we’re on gas cars.
I do feel like we have to slightly switch up the criteria.
It’s still an SUV. I still do look hot,
sexy, and gorgeous
both next to it and inside of it,
which is amazing. But you guys know I love a bell and whistle.
And for 229,000 thousand dollars,
doesn’t really have a lot to offer.
We’ve tested different cars that are literally 70 k,
that have more than this. I’m down to spend money,
don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it’s gonna be on this.
I’m gonna rate my experience driving a Urus today,
do I dare say a 4 out of 10?
I’m so excited that the series is back!
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letting me know which car you would like to see me test drive next!