Rise Above Negativity: A Message of Self-Reflection and Empowerment

Oh, did you miss me? Cuz I was too busy living my life while you were just like in the comments as you called me crazy, delusional, stupid and all kinds of things, you know, but you’re in the comments trying to argue with someone on their page that you believe all those things about. If you truly believe that, why are you in the comments? Why are you in the comments? Why are you here? Why are you here? You made assumptions. You made up lies. Like, again, you have no facts, no basis. I never once said I was defending that man. I was talking about cos, okay? You need to be worried about cleaning your ass cuz you’re Karina. Be talking a lot of about you. You’re Karina. Your Karina is just like you, runs its mouth, doesn’t know how to be quiet. Miss Wicken. Okay, you’re so connected into the world, right? You’re so connected into like weekend and stuff up your.

Karina said that you don’t wipe your ass properly. Okay, it says that your ass is dirty. And I’m not joking at all, sweetheart. You need a wet wipe. You need to worry about using a wet wipe instead of talking in the comments. That’s what you need to do. You know, you need to get yourself together cuz I apparently you don’t do . I’m gonna need you to go be productive in community and society. Step out.

It was a beautiful. I don’t know where you live, though, you know, but go outside, do something. Get your friends together. Have a game night. If you, I mean, do something. Go be productive because you’re in the comments talking about something kind of thing.

Come on, you’re defending a murderer. I never defended a murderer. I said that those cos were committing crimes themselves and they were criminals. That’s what I was talking about. I was saying that people should, people in the community should speak out against the Cos. Because if they’re out here doing such things, what will stop them from behaving that way with a person who was wrongfully convicted? A person, not that man.

Okay, cuz clearly you can’t comprehend. You comprehension skills are, you know, and I don’t wanna say too much about you. I don’t wanna say too much about you, ma’am. Okay? I don’t wanna put you on Front street like that. I don’t wanna like, I think talking about you wiping, not wiping your ass properly is good enough and not cleaning your clothes properly, you smelling like milk doing . I think that was enough, right? I think that will hit you. You know what I’m talking about. You know exactly what I’m talking about, right? I don’t have to say nothing else. I’m gonna say nothing else about you, right? So when I say to you, okay, that you need to go do something more productive, you really do need to go do something more productive, active. I don’t need to Google your sweetheart. I absolutely don’t need to Google you. If you like, why would you even say somebody that I needed to Google you if doubt what? If you weren’t trying to threaten me and then tell me you had a wrap sheet, why would I need to do that if you were not threat me? Cuz your friend claimed that I wasn’t threatened. I made her a video just so you know, because she was so thirsty, just like you. But both you were so thirsty trying to get my attention. So I’m giving you some attention. It’s a charity. Okay? Okay. It’s a charity. So I’m giving you a little bit of charity. Okay?

The criminal acts of the Cos create that the Cos committed is the topic. That’s the issue. And the fact that you guys keep trying to change the narrative and make it into something else, and then when I respond to you about the things that you were saying that I literally went recorded just to make sure that I kept that record. You know, I went, took every single comment and recorded with you and your little friends were saying, okay, as you clowned about in the comments because clearly you have nothing better to do in your life. I mean, you do, there are lots of things that you should be doing right now that you should have done today. That you should have been getting done, but you were avoiding it and you’re too busy over here trying to have conversation with someone you keep kind of trying to call crazy and delusional. Right, instead of you doing what you’re supposed to do, you and my comments talking to me. Why are you avoiding that stuff? Why are you avoiding those things, Miss Wicken? Why are you over those things? Why are you not getting the things done that you need to be getting done in your life? Why are you neglecting your responsibilities? But you wanna claim that you’re on the internet trying to defend somebody else, someone else who doesn’t even need you to defend them. They are where they, they are where they are supposed to be right now. Cuz you don’t wanna talk about stuff like that, right? You’re avoiding your own stuff. Stop avoiding your responsibilities. Get the off the internet and go deal with the that you need to deal with right now. Because being on the internet right now is only, is not helping you very much.

I do hope that you actually do get some healing. I do hope that you actually start to take your responsibility seriously. Because all the stuff that you were saying, all I said that you’re saying, literally, it was . It was a thing. And you don’t give a about what happened to that child and that mother. And you also don’t give a about what’s happening in your own life every single day.

But you’re on, you’re trying to pretend like you do again. Wish you love. I do. I wish you love. I wish you can have that hateful, harmful shadow that keeps clouding you that you let, that you let, that you allowed to embed inside of you. You did that. I think you need to go work on get in rid of that.

Okay, because you’re not, you’re trying, your energy is weak right now. The injury is very weak right now. I’m gonna need you to go bring your energy up. Cuz this is not bringing your energy up. This right here this year right here is not bringing energy up a this is not bringing your energy up. It’s just taking it down is taking it down and nothing that’s feeding on you. Doesn’t even, like literally that thing that’s feeding on you don’t even like you that much, which is why it often leaves you and then you feel very empty.

That thing that feeds on you often leaves you. Say it again for you, and then you feel extreme only empty. I suggest you go work on doing that. Also, clean the house. Clean now, sweetheart. Clean the house. And those things that are like soiled, I want you to throw them out. You cannot clean those, okay? You cannot clean them. You need to get rid of them. And those neglectful responsibilities, the responses you keep neglecting and neglectful behavior, work on that. Focus on that. Satchana, come. Satchana, this is not for you. This is not for you. Okay. Alright, thank you again.

Okay, and this time I think I am gonna say love, hucks and kisses. I wish you all great prosperity and every endeavor you embark upon because you need it. You absolutely need it, provided you are not digging holes of harm for others to fall into, then may you fall into them instead. But I wish that you get a ladder. I wish that you would have a ladder for you. Cuz when you fall into it, instead, I want you to be able to pull yourself back out. I don’t want you to sit in there cuz I think that’s happened to you enough by.