United Barbecue: Spreading the ‘We Are Human’ Message Across America

Received your pitch in for the Mobile,
Alabama United barbecue. Thank you so much.
Our sister and we need this type of energy, everybody.
For everybody to do what they can
pitch in to help us out with this large barbecue.
We know it’s going to be in Mobile,
Alabama with our sister Mama Tat.
I know some people may be thinking,
what if he receives a large sum of money while he’s raising for this?
Okay, so be it.
Then we’ll be able to do even more United barbecues next year,
2025, as we do this year to year, everybody.
We’ve done 19 United barbecues in 13 different states,
and this would be our 20th in our 14th different state.
Me personally, I like when people get something in return
when they helping us with the barbecue.
So that’s why I ask everybody to grab our gear.
As when everybody grabs gear,
you are also helping us with the United Barbecues
and you get something in return at the same time.
And by wearing our gear around our country,
y’all help us to get the we are human message out even more.
Many of people have told us after grabbing our gear
that they started great conversations with other people
and much needed conversations
and had great smiles with people as well
as a many of people say
it’s the number one complimented shirt that they have.