Monetizing Content: Exploring Platforms and Strategies

just having a little break from all of this
I’m setting up for autumn
no I am not in autumn yet
in my mind it’s still very much summer
but I have um
a ranker lab that needs it to be like
a bit autumnal so I’m just
so I’ll just get some of it out now and then it’s done
um and that LED me on nicely to this one because it was a little brand job
and this is about jobs so um
the platform it
this is difficult to answer because it’s all quite varied
but I will actually try and answer it and not be wishy wishy with you
I think people are interested to know
like the wise and what’s for the wise and what falls um
apologies if this is wiffle
awfully so
YouTube is actually the platform that I think pays the best per organic upload
so if you really throw yourself into YouTube
you can conquer the algorithm pretty fairly well over there
like I feel like that settled
your algorithm is pretty settled
you know what you doing over there
you know how to get your videos seen
um once you know your audience and what they want
you can kind of give them that
and the pay per video that is really good
ironically it is the platform I am on the least at the moment
for lots of reasons
but mostly being time and it being summer holidays with the girls
I’m trying to like it take this the longest content to do
it takes the longest to film it
input it edit it
upload it etcetera
but that pays the best
if you don’t have any collaborations with any brands or any
like external projects
um TikTok does have the Creator Fund
which I’m on but it’s not
I would say it’s not particularly comparable with YouTube
but it might change I try not to rely on the money made from it videos
because if I do that as I find that it starts like
really get sucked into the data and really like what
perform well OK
well I’ll make more of that
and I get really intense about it
it’s better for me to not really be too interested in
and to look too much and to just make the content I want
and what I rely on is brand collabs
books do make money um
but books are different in that you um
there’s there’s two ways books make money
1 the advance and 2 the royalties
so books are not like a every month kind of thing
like when you advance comes in
oh hey
that’s a good month but then there’s lots of months when it’s
there’s nothing coming in from those
um brand collaborations are what I rely on really
um and an individual brand collaboration is lovely
but what it what is the most beneficial
you’ve asked what’s
what’s the most financially beneficial for you
it’s a long term brand collaboration
and that means a brand that you are working with
either for a certain amount of time
so they might book you for like one year or six months
or for a certain amount of deliverables
so they might book you for like five videos or ten reels
20 stories and YouTube
you know that kind of thing
so I would say that is there anything else that haven’t covered in here
um radio
TV for me is not um big financially
I do it was one of my favourite things to do though
I love doing it um
but social media I think it’s more profitable than radio and TV
but they’re both different kettles of fish
you might
if you were asking this question to like someone who’s really massive on TV
they would say that is where they earn because they can afford to charge a lot
like I can’t go to a TV producer
I’m like yeah
I’m gonna charge XYZ cause they were like
who are you but if you’re
I don’t know Demo O’leary
I would imagine that he does alright off of TV and radio
stuff like that uh
is there anything else I haven’t covered in here
I don’t think so if you have any questions
do leave it on this video and I’ll try not to um
as openly as I possibly can as to what’s appropriate anyway
I’ve talked for ages hope that was helpful
thanks for asking bye