Debunking Musical Myths: Analyzing Lyrics, Bars, and AI in the Music Industry

This video is going to address some frequently made points
and frequently asked questions
for my very serious musical analysis video.
One thing I’m seeing people say is that if you count the
I can name 10 things us girls need more than we ever need a man
line as part of the chorus,
then it’s 16 bars. And that’s true,
but it’s not really written to work that way.
And a really easy to understand way that we can figure that out
is because it rhymes with the previous line,
so those two lines clearly go together,
therefore it’s part of the same section.
Another frequent comment is that
if you count the whistling after the chorus,
it is 16 bars. And that’s true.
And that’s a place where I’m gonna have to admit that I was wrong.
When I made this video,
I thought that the whistling part went for longer than four bars,
and so it was, like,
very clearly its own section.
But it’s not. It only goes for four bars.
That being said, I still think the chorus sounds like it ends abruptly,
and I’m not really sure, um,
what exactly the music theory is behind why
that still feels weird to me.
But if anyone knows more than me and
and wants to give some insight on that,
I’d be interested to hear it.
I’ve also seen a lot of conversations about AI.
This is an area where, like,
I’m kind of too lazy. To look this up,
but I do think that the lyrics are definitely human written,
because AI really struggles with humor.
Like, if you ask chat GPT to tell a joke, it.
It can’t. I did have a suspicion, though,
when I first listened to the song that there might be AI involved,
just because of, like,
how generic it was and, like,
the way the vocals sound.
And I’m sure this is all stuff you can go independently verify.
I just don’t care enough to look.
Some people have also been leaving very kind comments about my voice,
which I appreciate, um,
because I was not really trying that hard in that video,
and I don’t think I sounded that good.
But if you want to hear some music that was not written by AI, um,
I have a lot of music on streaming platforms.
You can find it.
It’s just under my name that you’re seeing on my profile here.
And there’s also links where you would expect them to be.