Title: Embracing Learning and Appreciating Diversity in Perspectives

We forget that we can learn
from people outside of the Christian community.
We do it all the time. I mean,
who’d you learn math from?
You know, was it a Christian person?
Maybe it was.
But typically you learn your skill sets from secular institutions,
from secular schools. Happy birthday is a secular song.
Is it evil because of that?
No, I think that’s the part of the problem that we gotta recognize
is that we make secular evil
instead of just without god or not mentioning god.
That’s not always evil, because the Bible says,
the earth is the lord’s and everything therein.
So the whole earth belongs to god.
It’s just that some of the earth is acknowledging him and some is not.
But he so loved the world that he died for it,
so it all matters to him. And hip hop music is not this demonic weapon.
It is the articulation of human beings
whose hearts may not be aimed at Jesus.