Balancing Enjoying Life and Making Money: A Young Perspective

I was just gonna ask, how much should I focus on enjoying life
and how much should I focus on making money?
I think it’s, you know,
it ebbs and flows.
I think the biggest thing that when you’re this young,
like you guys, is, like,
time is, like,
hard to understand. Like,
I don’t know. Like,
you’re talking to somebody who fucking worked every minute.
Made no money building my dad’s business for him from 22 to 34,
and I did nothing. I had zero fun and made no money.
Yeah, so think about that.
Yeah, let’s start with that.
And my life is remarkable and life is good.
So what I would say is, like,
on some real shit, just go with what you’re feeling.
Like, if you’re feeling burnt out from making money,
go fucking do a beast and have fun.
Just enjoy it. If you’re enjoying for like,
a couple weeks, days,
months, however your body works,
and you’re like, oh, shit,
I’m about to become a fuck off.
Like, I need to go back and work.
And that could be within the hours,
that could be within the days,
that could be within the weeks,
that could be within the months.
Don’t judge yourself like that.
Just go with what is in there.