Dainty Accessories and Vintage Panache: A Style Journey

Woman’s dainty watch. That’s right, guys,
just cause I don’t spend all my money on cocaine
doesn’t mean I’m not a finance bro.
It all goes to cake. And woman’s dainty attire.
Like, literally,
look at this woman accessories are literally the best.
It’s like, look at this detailing. It’s.
It’s broken. Of course it tells.
The time that it tells right now is like, 11:00am.
But, hey,
when it was 11:00am, I was telling the time correctly.
Guys, take in today’s fit.
Green velvet shirt. Um,
people have choice words for when I wear green.
They, uh,
assume my sexuality for some reason.
But. 90s vintage panthone.
Star of the show. Star of the show.
Black Loafers. Black loafers.
Guys, take it in.
Take it in. Full fit.
Take it in, take it in.
And just to let him know that,
you know, it’s sunny.
Oh, my god,
the sun. It’s in my eyes. What do I do?
Shades for today? That’s right, haha.