Efficient Traveler: A Detailed Look at My Europe Carry-On Essentials

I’ve seen these videos, so I thought I would share with you what is my carry on. I feel like I’m a pretty seasoned traveler now and I have honestly nailed my packing for this trip. I am off to Europe and I’m so excited about it. But I thought I would just run you through everything that I’ve packed. Starting off, we have this new laptop case that I’ve gotten. And at first I was like, it looks a little bit big, but it’s actually so handy because not only does it fit my laptop, it also fits my diary, which is amazing. It also fits my Kindle, which I have just converted to. I still need to set it up. But last year I just took up so much luggage space because I wanted to have my books with me and it didn’t really work out for the best. So I’ve converted to the Kindle for now. It actually also has this little pocket in the back here. So I’ve just got my passport in here and then I also just have my card holder as well. And I love that because this is gonna be sitting upright in my carry on bag. It means that I can just unzip it and then get in really easily to wear my passport. It’s gonna be, which I feel like will just be so easy and I won’t be digging around inside my carry on to find it. And I just have my little technology bag. So I’m not gonna get everything out, but I just have my little like weight scales, also have my laptop charger and adapter, camera charger, also have my adapter. So I have one for my laptop and then also my phone, my SD adapter. Just press the iPhone cord to charge my phone on the plane. And then I also have one of those cords that are like sort of universal for like UE brooms, my Kindle, things like that. And I also have this, which I know is probably gonna be too much stuff for, say, Heathrow Airport. So I’ll probably have to take out some of the liquids when I’m in certain like countries, but I’ll be fine at least to get over there. This is sort of like a toiletries carry on, but also a bit of like an essentials as well. Like I have all of the stuff I’ll possibly need in this thing. It’s great because it’s quite heavy. So at least it’s not taking up extra space or weight in my checked luggage, which would be really good.

But I’m obsessed with this thing. It’s clear, so I can see everything really easily. And there’s also so much space in here. So in the top section, we have a heap of medication. So this is just stuff that I had left over from last year. Just have like Panel Gastrop. I also have like merchant cities, tablets, just whatever I might need. I’d rather have on me than have to go out and find it. Is it love bags? Because you never know when something is gonna spill. There’s honestly nothing worse.

Have my all time favorite lip balm, the summer Friday’s lip balm. A comb. Actually. I also have this, which must have just fallen out before, but a little compact mirror, some hair oil. Also just have some band aids, my perfume in a mini size, a guasha, and then also a pen because you always need a pen to fill different things out. And in this product section, I have a hate more things. It fits so much in here, honestly. So I just have a hairbrush, also just have my skincare. I also have my regular skincare, but that’s in my check luggage. This is just some like extra for me to take on the flight. I also have a little mini body moisturizer like I mentioned before. It’s sort of like an essentials kit. So I took these away with me last year and they’re really helpful. It’s just sustain removal pair.

We have dental hydralite, also have some tampons. I’m not sure to get it, but you just never know. A little mini toothpaste, spray on deodorant, but I also have spray on deodorant because you never know if they’re gonna like make you throw it out. So I just have both. Also have some mouthwash, hand cream pour. We grew up calling this magic cream. That’s what my mom called it because it honestly just fixed is all runes. So have that also toothbrush. I don’t like taking away my electric toothbrush because it just takes up way too much space when I’m traveling. Teeth whitening strips, sorry, there’s actually something missing from in here because I actually just film this and then it didn’t save. So I’ve had to refilm it. But it’s like a little zip sticker catch, which I’m gonna have to find. It’s probably in the catch somewhere now. But you, I swear you like if you’re gonna get a blind pimple, it’s gonna be on a flight. And I do not want a blind pimple annoying me for 24 hours on a flight. This actually fell out as well, but that usually sits in the top. Just my little eye mask. Now, file again, never know when you’re gonna need that. Also, just have some makeup removal wax, some bacterial wax, antibacterial wipes, eye mask, and then we also, oh, here she is. If we’re ever fallen down, that’s a little zip sticker. I literally love these so much. They’re so incredible and they do genuinely work. And then I just have some face masks because we like to stay hydrated. My actual bag, I just have my AirPods. I took my, are they called Airpod Pro Maxes? Are they the big ones? I took them away with me last year and they were just too big and like bulky for such a long period to be away with so many flights. So I’m just sticking to the AirPods this time, my camera to vlog the trip. And then all I have left to add to this is I’ll obviously have my travel pillar and then I’ll just add in my friend charger and I my iPhone on hand as well. But that’s everything that I take away with me. I’m really happy with my whole packing situation.