Shopping Adventures: Cleaning Supplies, Bargains, and Barbie Websites

Today I’m shopping with my 5 year old for cleaning supplies,
but she’s gone straight into the essentials.
At least that’s what she’s telling me.
Technically, a shower gel is cleaning supplies.
She’s also convinced me she needs a new toothbrush,
despite having two at home.
Finally managed to persuade her to let me get the cleaning supplies.
Has anyone got the window cleaning kit?
Drop me a comment, tell me whether I should get it too.
Stocked up on these foam blasts.
I love a foam cleaner. So I’ve grabbed this bathroom mousse
and she’s directing me straight back to the toys.
This is where the real mission begins.
How to get out of Home Bargains without spending £100.
It’s nearly her birthday.
I don’t have it.
And thankfully we’ve come out alive with only one Barbie website.
Thank god. We also managed to pick up cleaning supplies today,
so the mission was pretty much successful. Catch you next time.