Proper Form and Technique for Lateral Dumbbell Raises: A Step-by-Step Guide

my guy what are you doing??
like that’s not how you do it
oh I’m doing it wrong…?
Ok how do I do it?
Yeah.. sure I can show you
so when you’re getting started
you don’t wanna be raising it like this
and trying to get the dumbbells up and going it with your hands
how you wanna do it is you wanna have your shoulder blades down and back
like this think of it like
pulling your shoulder blades together and pulling them down to your back pocket
have a slight lean forward
not a crazy lean forward just a slight lean forward
if you wanna have a foot on front of you
that’s fine I like to do it like this
now shoulder blades down back with a slight lean forward
now when you’re doing this
bring your arms up so there’s a slight angle in front of you
doesn’t have to be way out here
that would be more of a front raise
just slightly out in front just like this
yeah just like that
now the last part with this is don’t try to pull the weight up with your hands
cause then your hands are the ones going up
oh not with my hands??
think of it like you’re trying to pull up with your elbows
like there’s a string coming out of your elbow
and it’s pulling it up.
so you pull from the elbows
That will help you actually engage more
of your lateral delt or your side delt
got you okay
thanks bro
yeah dude for sure!!
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