The Unforgettable Deception: Score – Crazy Ass Mom Summer Edition Part 9

Welcome to part 9 of Crazy Ass Mom Summer Edition. This one is called score. It’s a story about football. Now, you may be thinking yourself, football’s in the fall. This is summer edition. But this story takes place in the summer. So you know what? I think it qualifies. Our story begins on a brutally hot day in August. Is that a high school football field? The kids are doing two days. They’re sweating. It’s miserable. But the kids are very excited about the season, except for one kid. He is a senior in high school. This is his last year and he wants to make sure he’s a great year because he wants to play college football. Doesn’t care if it’s D4,D2,D3,D1, whatever. He just wants to play college football. But something’s happened that he thinks it’s gonna really hurt his chances. There’s been a transfer student. This gets a sophomore and he is freaking amazing. Everyone I know already knows about this kid cuz he is a history and they looked at his stats from his freshman year when he played at another high school. It’s like, oh my God. And our senior in high school is like, let me ride in the bench. I’m gonna ride the bench cuz this kid is such a better player than me and we have the same position. He goes home, he’s very upset, you know, his parents go, you know what? All work out, you know, don’t worry. You don’t know. You just have to play your best and focus on being the best you. And he’s like, well, if I can’t get any playing time, how am I gonna like, you know, send out like, you know, videos and all that stuff to coaches, all this stuff, because I don’t know a lot about football, but I’ve been told that these players do these tapes and they send into coaches who look at them for recruiting purposes, etcetera. And I do know like soccer, they have select teams and like baseball, they have like the traveling baseball leagues, high school football, it’s still focused on the high school. Other sports maybe have moved on to like, oh, you need to be in the so select leagues. They don’t focus on high school football. It’s still the main thing. This kid super upset. So the dad’s like, well, let me come and watch a practice. Dad goes and watch practice and goes, yeah, kids really good. We, you know, it could be a problem. But they still told their son, just be the best you can be. That’s all you have control of.

Meanwhile, we have the high school football coach who is a raging sad sack. He has recently gotten divorced. He is living in a one bedroom apartment by the high school. He’s got two grown daughters. They’re out of college. They really have a lot of time for him and always got going on is being a high school football coach. He’s feeling really down the.

And then something special happens. He gets a DM and it is a from a woman who says she is the aunt of our senior in high school. And she goes, look, I just, you know, I know I’m overstepping and please don’t hold this against me, but I’m the aunt of so and so. And I just need to let you know, it’s like in my heart to let you know that he is a really hard home life and if you could please should just show him some special attention.

He’s been saying, oh, there’s this new kid and he’s afraid. He’s not in plain time. And, you know, I’m just worried about him. And the coach goes, you know, that’s not how I run my team. I show every kid’s special attention, but I will definitely keep an eye on him and great. She’s great. Thank you so much. I know you’re like a quality individual. So thank you. And that is that.

But he’s like, then the aunt reaches back out to him like the next day and she was, hey, I just want to let you know I’ve been thinking about you said and you’re so wise and also that I have been watching my nephew play for three years. And I’ve also noticed you and I think you’re pretty cute. Coat blushes.

Oh, my God. You know, he was married for years. He’s been divorced and he hasn’t really gotten a lot of attention from women. So he’s like, wow, wow. So they start a friendship. They exchange text messages, but they never do Facetime. And the reason they don’t do Facetime is because the, that goes, you know, I just think that we need to keep like, you know, align. So if anybody ever says that you’re showing my nephew special treatment, you can say plausible deniability. I’ve never seen her shoes. I think we need to do that so they kind of have, you know, just kind of a written texty kind of relationship. And okay, oh, great. And it kind of turns into, you know, pass the friendly stage and gets a little romantic.

Meanwhile, the senior in high school, he’s getting a ton of playing time. That new kid, he’s riding the bench. People are freaking out cuz they know the new kids really good at transfer student. And the coach just goes, look, he’s a sophomore. He needs to learn how this team plays. So, you know, I’m just giving him time to figure that out. People aren’t buying that at all. He’s getting like a lot of static as a season goes on. Luckily, the team’s winning. They’re not winning by a lot. They’re not having a super season, but they’re, we’re having an okay season. He throws the software into to play some and people are like, , he is loyal to the senior in high school and he is loyal do is aunt. I mean, they’re getting along like gangbusters.

Finally, the season ends. He helps this kid with all the college stuff, tells the college is how great this kid is. He’s got tons of playing time and he goes, okay, football seasons over, man, we’ve had the banquet. Let’s get together. And she’s like, I’m gonna be traveling, but as soon as I get back, yes, I would love to. So then it’s national Letter intent signy day, I guess, where you sign where you’re going to college, the kid got an offer to play football and he signs the letter and nothing happen. He like contacts this, the kid’s aunt. Nothing happens. Crickets. He calls her and it’s like, you know, Philip, this number is no longer in service. What the hell? He rises out for a couple weeks and finally kind of breaks the coach student relationship and goes to the kid, hey, is your aunt alright? And he’s like, what? Both my parents are only children. I don’t have any relatives. I mean, cousins, aunts, uncles. I don’t got any of it.

And the coach is like, took him a while, but then he had to admit to himself he had been played expert level. He was played for weeks. He kept on trying to call those numbers. He couldn’t believe it. But if I might admit himself, he had been played. But to this day, he never, no. Who played me at his suspicions. But he never knew, you know, who does know me? I know. And I know that you’ve guessed it.

The mom played the coach. So her son, we get all that playing time. Crazy. Oh, hell yeah. So crazy. But yet this mom was never found out. This mom told me this story a couple years later, cuz she was so proud of herself. And I looked at her and I backed up a little bit and I’m like, you know, that was wrong. You know, the coach hurting him. And she’s like, I’m a parent, I’m a mom. You gotta do what you gotta do. I haven’t talked this woman sans, but let me tell you, she was scary. Stay tuned. Tomorrow, we finish up with No. 10, a crazy ass mom summer edition. And this one, you think this mom is scary? Just wait.