Revolutionizing User Experience: The Impact of ChatGPT on Data and AI Communication

I’m gonna say something that I think is really bold,
but the difference between a VHS tape and a DVD
and what that did to user experience
when it comes to actually watching a movie
is exactly the same as what this thing. Oops.
This thing right here is versus ChatGPT.
It is. It is literally that big of a difference.
I can ask her to play something and she’ll go,
I don’t know what that said.
What did you say? What?
I don’t understand that. I can ask ChatGPT
and it will give me such a precise answer that it’s like, oh,
I can get everything that I want done,
and I can then add on another command and go, yeah,
add some nuance to that and,
you know, change the tone in that a little bit.
I don’t have to give it an entire new command.
This. This.
Every single time. It’s like,
you’ve never talked to me before.
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
This I wanna throw out the window.
And I understand now. I work in data,
so I understand data, I understand AI,
I understand all of these.
These different components of what’s being launched into the populace,
um, at what seems like an extremely rapid rate.
But I. I really want everyone to understand that
we are in a place where we are taking data
and that is basically been utilized from, like,
a database format and. And just kind of Given to you as, like,
a recall. And now we’re putting processing behind it.
That is going to change.
And think in a very intuitive brain like model for you.
That’s why if you’re not using ChatGPT already,
or you’re not teaching your kids to use ChatGPT,
they will be left behind in.
In this new advent. It’s,
it’s literally the difference between a VHS tape and a DVD.
And if you are somebody who didn’t ever use a VHS tape,
just know that you had to fast forward and until, like,
you saw on the screen,
like, okay,
now we can stop. But if you went a little bit too far,
then it had to roll back, and it just.
It just wore down over time.
That is the difference between,
like, what we have now in data and what we’re moving towards.
And it’s going to be left in the dust.
All of the modeling that we have with around data,
prior to any kind of ChatGPT like LLM,
that we are going to look at it and be like,
how did we ever use Siri or Google or any of it?
SEO, who’s she?
We don’t know. Why?
That’s ridiculous.
Because now we can ask a question and then ask it to expand.
That’s mind boggling from a data perspective,
that we have that technology.
But also, if you’re not using it,
or if you’re not teaching kids to use it,
they will be left in the Dust.
Also, I need open AI to release one of these,
because this ball,
she’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever owned in my life.
She doesn’t. She doesn’t tell me anything and.
And just eavesdrops on all of my conversations
and then suggests things on Amazon. It’s quite annoying.