The Reality of Hell: A Call to Repentance and Hope in God

I had a friend of mine make a comment the other day, and I wanna talk about it. He said, hell can’t be no worse than living here and being on this earth. And that comment really got to me. It really hit me pretty hard and broke my heart. And today, I just want to talk about hell with you, if we could only take a glimpse into hell just for a second. If everybody had an opportunity just to look into hell, every church pew, every altar would have people in it asking for repentance. Why is hell so awful? Well, because it was created for Satan and his demons.

People do not comprehend that hail is the absence of God. That’s pretty powerful. There is no air in hell because God is the breath of life. There is no peace in hell because God is the prince of peace. There is no comfort in Hale because God is our comfort. There is no love in Hale because God is love. Hell is nothing but darkness because God is light.

Have you ever heard people make the comment, I’ll see you in hell, save me a seat or I’ll be sitting next to Satan. I just don’t think people realize how real hell is. And yes, this earth is awful. It’s terrible.

Because I told you, I’ve said it before many times, Satan is here because he can be. The final battle has not happened yet. So your worldly temptations, your worldly desires are here because Satan is here. He is rampant. He is everywhere. And until you make the decision to have god in your heart, flowing through your vein, you will continue to be weak to Satan and your life will still be in dismay.

So many people have gone through things and they’re like, gosh, this is the worst thing anybody could go through. Let me tell you, hail is the worst thing anybody can go through. I had a friend ask me a question probably two weeks ago, and I’ve wanted to do a Bible study on it, but I just haven’t really found the words to have one with. You all know how we all want what we can’t have. What if you couldn’t have Jesus? What if you couldn’t have salvation? What if you couldn’t get to Jesus? How bad would you want him then? That’s pretty.

David. It’s time for people to wake up and realize the war we’re in right now is not just political, it is biblical. You can mock Christians, you can make fun of them. You could say, oh, well, generations before you said God was coming back and he didn’t come back. Well, let me tell you something, darling. Pick up your Bible and read revelations. We are in the end times. And you can joke about hell and you can be like, well, my life sucks here. And you can whine and you can pout and you can feel sorry for yourself. But when God, when we look up in the sky, he won’t step foot here on Earth. And again, it’s gonna happen real quick. It’s gonna be too late for you to say, God, I accept you. I surrender to you because you’ve spent your life feeling sorry for yourself because you’ve been through some things. And I’ll tell you right now, I’ll be the first to tell you, you’re gonna meet so many people. Every single person you meet, they have been through something and that something that they went through is a part of their purpose, a part of their testimony. Every bad thing you go through is a part of your story. It’s not a scar on your body. It’s not something for you to be like, oh, I’m wounded, I’m gonna walk around wounded for the rest of my life. God is the healer. And at least in this world we have god. There is peace, there is rest, there is hope, there is salvation. Inhale. You will have none of that. You will literally burn for eternity. You will be thirsty and have no water. You will want to escape hell, but you cannot. You are stuck there forever. Y’all are too concerned with this world. And please, in this world and have in logic. You will never put faith in logic together. That’s where you mess up. You guys spent years believing in Covid. You believed in covid, an invisible disease. You believed every word of it. You ate it up like it was candy. But you won’t believe in God because you can’t see him. I don’t know how much more proof and evidence people need. And to be honest with you, as a Christian, it is so frustrating because no Christian wants to see anybody .

I ask you today, if you don’t know God, what do you have to lose if you accept him? My heart has changed so much. And right now I’m trying to find my purpose. And I think I know it. I believe I know it, but I’m waiting for God to reveal more things to me. But guys, when you start moving for him, that love and that excitement and that joy that you feel in your heart where you look at the world differently, that’s purpose. Sitting around, drinking your problems away, doing drugs, sleeping around, going to bars every weekend, you’re not strong. You are weak. Hit your knees and pray. That is strength. That is the strongest you will ever be is when you’re in prayer. I am begging you, stop being of this world and be of him and just trust me. Trust him. Hale ain’t worth it, y’all. Hale ain’t worth it.