Lost in the Memories of TV Shows: Nostalgia and Frustration in 2024

watching television in 2024 is kind of like going back to your hometown
the neighborhood haunts a local Wawa
if you will walking down the street in general
and then seeing somebody whose face you kind of recognize
but like
you know the contours
you know like
the general place where you kinda
sort of know them like
their entire figure is a memory that you can’t quite place
and you sure as shit do not remember their name
but you kinda do that wave anyways
and then like
act like you didn’t see them in case they don’t see you
but that’s what it’s like to watch TV in 2024
because why was
I just serviced an ad for a TV show whose first season ended two years ago
two years ago I was literally sitting there like
I think I know these faces
I think I know these faces together
I even think I know these faces together
plus the setting plus the lighting
and then I tried to mentally dare myself to remember the name of the show
and I literally could not
because the last season ended two years ago
and then they’re just gonna pick up like nothing fucking happened
I want my 22 episode seasons back
I want a new season every year okay
and no this does not mean that I don’t want people to be paid what their worth
or the crew or tech no matter who’s working on the show
they should be paid and protected
but this is absolutely ridiculous