Witches Brew Caramel Coffee: A Surprising Delight

You’re telling me for 40 years I could have been mixing up what
and putting it in my mouth?
Ain’t no way. Okay,
I’ve never heard of this,
but apparently it’s the hot new drink right now.
I think my wife sent me 873 TikToks about this witches brew.
Uh, Alani.
Alani. Nu witches brew.
And apparently it’s hard to get.
I was at the Kroger yesterday,
and she sent me a message.
See if they got any witches brew.
I found some. She said buy as many as they have.
I bought six. So you take caramel,
caramel, however you want to say it,
drizzle it real pretty around the edges,
fill it up with ice, take your witches brew,
pop it in. Don’t fill it all the way up,
cause you gotta make a. A cold foam.
So grab your pocket straw, stir it up a little bit,
some heavy whipping cream,
put it into a separate glass,
take you some more caramel,
caramel, pop in there.
Grab your little mixing buddy.
Now you will mix this up, put it on top,
a little bit more caramel, caramel,
pocket straw, back out.
Now let’s see how good it is.
I’ll be honest with you.
I thought that was gonna taste like absolute garbage, but
that is so good. If you can find the witches brew, make it.