Testing Ads for Free: A Comprehensive Guide to Using TikTok Engagement to Determine Ad Success

Here’s exactly how you can test an ad with zero dollars and spend.
Make an ad with an angle that’s going to resonate with your audience,
and then upload that to your brand’s TikTok account.
Based on the engagement in the view count of that video,
you can basically decide if you want to put spend behind it
on Facebook or any other ad platform.
If that ad gets over the 200 views and breaks the 200 view club,
you know, you might have a winner on your hands.
If it gets a few thousand views over the course of,
you know, say,
a week, then
you should definitely put way more spend behind it than you thought
you should. Like probably about 100 a day,
50 a day. Start a little bit bigger than you anticipated.
And by doing this, by uploading to TikTok,
you’ll learn how important the hook is.
And you’ll see when people actually drop off.
Because if they’re dropping off pretty early,
it’s not going to break 200 300 views.
And if the viewer stays till about halfway in the video,
maybe even 20% of the video,
then you’ll probably get around 600 to 1,000 views.
If you get thousands of views on this video,
that means your ad is pretty decent.
You should run.
This is definitely the most cost effective way you can test ads
without putting any money behind them.
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