Confessions of a Bad Book Lover: Embracing Enjoyment as Life’s Purpose

Hi, everyone.
my name is Andr3w
and I have a confession:
I like bad
I love to read bad books.
I’m talking just bottom of the barrel,
dumpster water,
dog food trash alright?
that’s where — that’s where I come alive.
that’s my bread and butter right there.
books with plot holes,
books with dumb characters
who both say and do dumb things.
I like rolling my eyes like a slot machine
every time I read a bad book.
I like complaining about bad books
to other people who have read the same bad book,
and trauma bonding over that experience
of having waded through
just the most insufferable words ever put to page.
and I wanna be clear,
if you take one thing away from any of my videos,
I want it to be this:
time enjoyed is not wasted.
let me say that again time enjoyed is not wasted.
we are put on this earth for two reasons:
to to enjoy ourselves,
and to make sure other people are enjoying themselves, too.
we are the singing, dancing,
fucking part of this universe.
that is our role and every time you do something that you enjoy —
even if it’s not productive,
even if it doesn’t make you a better person,
even if you do it for no reason
other than that you enjoy it —
you are fulfilling your role in this universe.
you are living your life’s purpose.