Unveiling the Truth Behind Pixel 9 Pro’s 8K Video Option: A Closer Look at Google’s Video Boost Feature

The Pixel 9 Pros camera has an option for 8K video,
but it can’t record 8K video.
Now obviously that doesn’t really make sense,
so let me show you what’s actually going on here.
So you can see if we go to the settings,
we have an option for 8K. But if I enable it,
you can see that it says boosting will take time.
So what’s actually happening is
it’s using Google’s Video Boost feature to record the video in 4K,
but then upload that video to the cloud.
And then Google’s fancy servers upscale that video too 8K.
So let’s see what that actually ends up looking like.
Okay, so I just recorded a video,
and you can see that we actually have two options for this video
in my camera roll.
One video that’s ready to view right away,
which is actually in 1080 p,
not four 4K for some reason.
And then we have the video boost file,
which you can see we have to wait for that to happen.
And nearly forty five minutes later,
I got a notification that my video boost of my three second video
is now complete. So here’s that original 1080 p file that we have,
and then here is the video boosted 8K video file.
And just so you can see the difference,
here’s me cropped in on that 1080 p file.
And then here is me cropped in on the 8K video file.
There’s actually a fairly massive Difference between the two.
I just wish I could see what the 4K version looked like,
cause I’m pretty sure it actually recorded in 4K,
but it’s just showing me a 1080 p file and an 8K file.