Embrace Your Enemies: Turning Trauma into Triumph for Personal Growth and Success

Is it crazy to have enemies when you’re over 25? Perhaps. But I feel like they kind of made me better people. And the haters are definitely my motivators. So let me give you a little background on who my haters are and why I love to have some enemy. So my first enemy is definitely my really toxic X from college, who would definitely ruin my life in many ways.

And something that I really enjoy doing is turning my trauma into something positive. So hongboy really messed me up for a good long while there, but now he’s motivated me to find much better partners, treat myself better, and the amount of feeling that I went through in the last several years has been unparalleled. I’ve never experienced so much in my life.

And now I know exactly what I’m looking for and what I’m not looking for. And also, ladies, is your friendly reminder that gut checks are a real thing. This man had given me so much anxiety before we were even like officially dating, okay, that I was in the car with my friends. I am a high school student. We’re out of sheries. I won’t never forget this. I was so anxious after he like met my friends virtually that I threw about some of the car. Disgusting. Now, are we gonna let a man ever do that to us again? No, we’re not. So that is enemy No. 1. Never want to see him again, for sure.

Before I tell you about my next enemy, I am getting ready for a wedding photo shoot thing. Am I getting married anytime soon? No, I am not. But I will be modeling some wedding dresses. So my makeup needs to looks .

Anyhow, my next enemy is definitely a business enemy. And I have a couple of them. One of them is someone I’ve never even met. So when they’re not like a personal enemy, you know, they don’t matter quite as much. But one is just very rude and disrespectful. And for that, she’s been made on the enemy list. And she is a grown mother. She’s got children. That one will really never make sense to me. But she motivates me to be very successful in business, keep trying my best, putting myself out there and be as success well as I can. Plus, she also reminds me that when I become a parent one day, I definitely need to be making better decisions because she, it’s not a very good role model. And when I think about when I volunteered with children in college and whatnot, you have a good example to them in homegirl. Definitely isn’t because who blocks a fellow creator in a small town? Make that one make sense.

So that is enemy No. 2. And again, I really just use these people to motivate me to be better, because internal and external validation are very different and different kinds of motivators as well. And for me, I just need some outside of me to really keep me going. We need to do this off camera. But for me, the true motivation is if I ever see them in public, I know that I’m going to be like, guess what? I am doing fantastic. I am successful. And that just really, that’s so sweet. That’s such a sweet victory because why are you choosing yourself? And good things, amazing things start to happen.

Now, my third enemy is probably one of my top motivators for sure to be successful in business, in life. Homegirl really messed up my mid, early 20s. You know, she was just not a good friend. You know how you have like those express friends that were just absolutely toxic from college? She was certainly mine. She is the reason I will never live with a friend again. And she is just the absolute worst. And because of that, she is motivating me to find love and healthy, good relation ships. She’s taught me to be a great friend of my friends and never treat people the way that she treated me. Because why would you keep that going? She’s probably miserable because of her actions is something that really just keeps me going. Because I kind of tried to live her life for some reason, which was really embarrassing on my part. Never do that.

And I have started choosing myself and my gosh, I am so much happier. I have found a fabulous boyfriend. I’ve got my businesses, and I feel like I’m getting to a place where I can actually accomplish things, achieve my dreams, and I am just a far happier camper than I used to be.

So long story short, use your past traumas and people that have hurt you to rebuild yourself and make a better version of you. Obviously, you are not in charge of other people’s actions or anything. And the way that people treat you is not a reflection of you, obviously. But you can either just sit in wallow, which I’ve definitely had plenty of wallow time. Definitely can, Warren. And be sad about things that have happened to you. However, you can also take that as your fuel to keep going and just be better than the person you were before. And I think that is truly the lesson here is to just have some sort of motivation to keep going, especially if you go a more non traditional route like I have, it can be hard to keep going, keep it up, but it’s definitely worth it in the end because you get honestly the last laugh. And how iconic is that?

All right, for more videos and rambles, be sure to follow along. All of the makeup will be available on my TikTok shop. So you guys can pick up the products that I am using. And hopefully this makeup look turns out because I’m not 100% sure what I’m doing.