Gardening Chronicles: A Rainy Day and the Challenges of Pollination

The store. Alright, it’s getting dark behind me. We just had a little thunder and lightning here to thunder. It’s 88% chance of rain around 7. It’s 5:06. It might be a little earlier. We need it. If I knew how to do what, I’d be doing a rain dance out here. I’m cleaning up the garden a little bit, trimming up the tomatoes, whatever I see. I’m just wandering around out here taking care of business. But yeah, we’re praying for some rain. Look at the darkness. Babies are crying around that, though. I don’t know if they’ve ever had a thunder and lightning challenge. I haven’t had notification in a long time. You guys are a little over a knock. I’m saying coming up on that. When you track out in there application am dates. Yes, please. Rain. Come on. Where’s my pool of chances? Well, I wasn’t dancing. That was a rain song.

I hope it down pours, please. I’m praying for this. Don’t just roll over. Alright. Well, with the rain, as usual, comes the win. I looked at it back. My motorcycle canopy, I never secured it. It’s tipped over. I got a few more things I don’t have to secure around here. But yes, may just rain for at least a half an hour or so. Sometimes a street flows up. Right? I’ll take a look out there in the gut.

Alright, well, after that quick downpour and wind storm, I had to go back and in the back is that motorcycle canopy. I had to get that up. It was blown over, halfway over the fence. I forgot that. I never staked it down the little greenhouses stakedown. But that Barber Hugh grill, that barbecue canopy, is it connected?

I didn’t plan on it staying there, but I don’t know where to put it, man. I don’t have no freaking level ground in this yard at all. I gotta figure out something for that. You can hear the thunder in the back. We’re getting a nice steady rain now. These plants are loving it. Just gonna make them first with joy. Tomorrow it’s gonna be luscious out here.

And this is refreshing, too. I’m jumping into pool. I don’t wanna get headwind, lightning. I don’t want to get hit with lightning, but I’m jumping in. It’s gonna feel good. The air is so cool now. Feels like 70 now instead of 98. And I open a chicken coop and they wanted to come running out. They don’t like water yet. I try to spritz it a little bit in the heat and they’re like, what’s that? I just wanted to change the water, but they’re acting like they wanna come out in this. They don’t wanna come out. And I had a bunch of tomatoes that kind of willed it over. I had to come up and do quick makeshift staking. When it all started, I was, you know, staking up my Sam or Zano’s stakes and strings. And then it just downboard. I’m about ready to wrap it up out here.

It’s 7:00,12:35 comes quick. Workday tomorrow. Look at the size of that Tomako. Look at that. That’s my hand. Look at the size of that thing.

Now it’s hollow for now. There’s a few one here. This is the one that came up by itself. Most like it has a few issues, but he came up on his own and we’re going let him go. And other bad news, I’ve got a couple zucchinis down here that didn’t get pollinated and they’re gonna have to be removed. Trying to do everything I can to get pollinators out here. Hopefully the ones that are still on here got some kind of how would interaction. But tomorrow I’m gonna have to remove these and I always eat the male flowers, but hopefully you get some kind of pollinator action out. So yeah, this is what happens when them pollinators just ain’t around or they’re not just get into the flower? When flowers, male and female, aren’t opening at the same time? Like I said, I’m not one to be doing that pollinate by hand stuff if nature is not gonna do it. I’m just gonna eat the male flowers.