Navigating Grade 9: Tips for a Successful High School Journey

Here are things I wish I knew going into Grade 9.
Do not buy a bunch of stuff for your locker.
You will like never use your locker unless you have like a gym class.
But sometimes people just keep their gym clothes
like in their school bag anyway.
But when I tell you like
I bought so much stuff for my locker just to not even barely use it.
Don’t waste your money.
Get ready to meet a lot of new people and make sure you’re nice.
No one likes a mean girl, especially on the first day of school.
You do not want your first impression to be, oh,
she’s a mean girl. Create a good first impression.
Be nice to your teachers.
I’m really big on this one.
Be nice to them. Be like besties with them.
Like learn their humor. Joke with them.
This will make it so much better for your 4 years of high school
and you will get better grades.
And if their coaches for sports teams,
you will get on that sports team because they like you.
Talking about sports, go try out for like every sports team.
You will make better friends in school sports
then you will the person sitting next to you in class.
Go try out for every sports team.
Don’t go into Grade 9 trying to find a boyfriend right away.
You do not need a boyfriend.
You do not need one. It creates extra stress and Drama for no reason.
You do not need a boyfriend.
I had a boyfriend in grade 9 that honestly
I did it because I wanted a boyfriend.
And when I tell you we are so much better as like good,
good friends that we were dating.
Like we have a better connection now
as best friends than we did dating in Grade 9.
Stay out of drama. It’s not a good luck.
And it goes around. Teachers hear about it and teachers,
they clock it. It’s in their head.
I have teachers that bring up drama from grade 9 and bring it up to me
still and I’m in grade 12 and they bring it up and I’m like,
you remember that?
you are going to create friends and you are going to lose them.
I was friends with like everyone in Grade 9
and now I have like
a little small girl group and a couple of guy friends.
Be ready to lose friends and that’s okay.
It’s honestly okay. You don’t have to be friends with everyone.
It is better to have like
a small group of friends than like 20 fake ones.
Keep your circle small.
You’ll have a better high school experience.
Those are like kind of like all my tips for going into grade 9.
Do not take these four years for granted.
I actually truly believe these are like your golden years
and you’ll have the best time of your life in these Four years.
And these are like,
you’re gonna create memories that you’re gonna tell your kids one day.
So do not take them for granted.
And good luck to everyone going into grade 9.