Title: Reflections on Gender Roles and Expectations in Modern Relationships: A TikTok Encounter

If you cannot move down to serve me food, Newton, to serve me water, Charles. Anyways, guys, I’m on TikTok this evening and it happens to be the backside of TikTok again. And let me tell you, the first time I saw this video, I swipe as fast as I could because I didn’t want anything that’s gonna make me angry. I swipe. I saw this video again. I swipe. Then I had to like turn off my TikTok because I thought it was for me. Maybe like, I don’t know why it keeps popping up. So I turn it on and immediately I went on my TikTok. It’s the same view.

So instead of like to say something about this, I have nothing to say to that man. He has what he wants. He needs what he wants. But the question is, sir, do you have all it takes, sir? Are you giving out? Are you giving what she wants? Like, are you given a lot to request or lots? Like, are you giving out to actually request a lot? Because I don’t know why you have a whole ass wife and you still want, you want her to go on her news and serve you food way, wait, hold up. Is it not this guy? So all the time. I think he’s the guy that. I think his brother was just on his phone. He was sitting and his pregnant wife. She was like, from the video I saw the that the wife was heavily pregnant and the here comes the wife with the big tray and kiling to serve the man foods. And I was like, who? Wow, god, may I your tanker? Well, well, I know I would never go to this because count of my mind do that. But what I’m trying to say is, but you are requesting a lot for the kind of environment you’re in. Because, Chao, tell me why you are sweating like, why you sweating like that? It’s, it looks like you literally run 100 meter race and you’re coming by you sweating and you just decided to make a video. Being stupid, mean to whom much is given, much is expected. So if you expecting a lot from the lady you going to marry, you have to give a lot and have something. You’re not giving anything. You’re giving zero over zero, nothing. For man in a dark environment and sweating and the only source of light is from his phone. You acting a lot? You actually accent too much. Cuz. Anyways, to you and to whoever you going to marry, good luck because I know it’s not the girls of this generation because they’re not going to be playing that game with you. It’s either you’re bringing in a lot of things, you’re bringing in the money, you’re actually doing things you’re supposed to do and they do it back. Or you’re receiving nothing. Nothing, absolutely nothing. Because you can just see your SDA and expect related to your woman to kneel down and save you. He is the man. Because what was. He is the man. He was videoing his brother. So his brother’s wife was Nilin. I think she looks like she’s in she her thirst trimester or like she’s Amos pregnant. I think she she’s cuz she looks very due. And the lady, the woman was literally carrying the tree and kneeling to serve the man with his park belly. He’s just sitting on there on his phone and the lady is doing all the work. I’m pretty sure that lady was going to take the kids to the bathroom and beat them, I’m pretty sure. And the man is just there on his phone and I’m pretty sure what he’s doing is checking out other ladies, eh? Yeah, some men.