Capturing the World: Travel Photography Tips with Lightroom

You guys know I’m a huge homebody,
but this year,
I really made it a goal to travel and see more of the world.
In the spring, I visited Japan for the very first time,
and in June, I also visited Korea for the first time.
Taking photos for both social media and for my own memories
is such an important part of traveling for me.
So through my partnership with Adobe,
let me show you how I use Lightroom for all my travel photo needs.
In the Lightroom app, I first start by using the general remove tool
to get rid of any unwanted distractions in the photo.
I’ll then move on to editing the actual lighting and color.
For lighting, I usually like to turn highlights down and shadows up
to make the photo look a bit softer.
And for color, I usually turn up the warmth
and slightly increase the vibrance and saturation.
Here’s the before and after.
So whether you’re going on a road trip or flying across the world,
the Lightroom app is the perfect companion
for all your summer photo editing needs.