Family Fun with Giggle Scape Bingo: A Versatile Game for Growing Minds

I picked up this family bingo from the new brand
Giggle Scape at target because I remember growing up,
my family and I played so many board games
and had our little family game nights,
so I want to continue that with my three year old.
I think this is perfect for my son.
There are four different ways to use it.
You can do the classic bingo,
sight word bingo goes animal bingo and also the alphabet bingo.
We actually already tried this out
and we use the animal bingo and also the alphabet bingo.
And my three year old was having the time of his life.
He honestly was able to understand the concept,
understand how the game works
and he actually beat us a couple of times.
Each of the pieces comes with its own storage bag
and my son was actually the one to pull out each animal
or letter out of it, which was something that he really enjoyed.
I think this is great to work on his speech,
recognising the letters and also his critical thinking skills.
I really love that there’s four different ways to use this
because I know that he can grow with this and then in the future
he can start working on his sight words
and then teaching him the original bingo game.