Finding Your North Star: A Journey to Discover What You Really Want

It’s your friend Mel. And you wanna know why so many people get stuck
because they cannot answer a really important question.
And here it is. What do you really want?
Not what your parents want,
not what your significant other wants,
not what you think you should want,
not what you wanted years ago.
What do you really want right now in your life?
This is a critical question to answer for yourself
and to answer honestly because it gives you a sense of direction.
It allows you to wake up in the morning
and know what you’re working toward.
And if you don’t have an answer to that question,
what do you really want? You will continue to feel lost.
You will continue to question yourself,
you will continue to feel confused about what you should do.
And so it’s time to stop the chaos.
It’s time to stop feeling stuck
and let’s get serious and answer that question together.
What do you really want?
I just dropped the most amazing podcast episode of the entire year.
It is inspiring. It’s incredible.
And I’m gonna walk you
step by step through how you answer that question
with a proven scientific method.
It’s time we get serious about what you really want.
And the first step is you defining it.
And I’m here to help you. I’ll be waiting for you in this new episode.