Tiger Bosses and Treasure: A Gamer’s Journey

Let’s see what boss is in here everyone.
After we did the secret quest to do it. Let’s find out.
I could definitely get some upgrades before I fight it.
another Tony the Tiger.
I will have my vengeance
crap. The first tiger was so hard to fight.
Oh, that’s a rat though.
It’s like a rat. Tiger
kids dad ran off.
Masih, Sama,
Yes. It took like three times.
Tiger Child both lost to the ether.
We have slain the Tigray. Oh,
we get his soul too.
That’s actually cool. Maybe we’ll upgrade his
blood of the Iron Bull GG.
Let’s go find out. Mad Tiger.
Mad Mad Tigre.
Oh, there’s no chest here.
Little area here. Oh, it’s a chest here.
Was he not sure about that?
He was like checking his hand.
He’s like, I don’t know. What if it has meth?
What if it’s laced with drugs?
That’s right. Sun Wukong ain’t no fool.
Oh, it’s a new gourd.
That’s cool.
I was just about to get one too.