Effortlessly Thrifted: A Cozy and Chic Get Ready With Me Routine

Haven’t done. I get ready with me like a proper get ready with me in ages. I’m having a bit of a shitty start to the week and I have to go out and do some errands. So I thought let’s just put on a nice outfit. I put some makeup on and I wanna style these. I got them at the op shop last time. I don’t know, like it was a couple of weeks ago, you might have seen these gorgeous.

Look at the pattern. Love the pattern. I love the colors. They are like these oversized pants that are supposed to give the illusion of like a skirt and they are Ali brand. So let’s put them on and let’s see if I can put an outfit together. So this is how these are looking on. Might pop the camera down little bit more. It’s still really early here and there’s not a whole lot of light coming through the window. But they’re curious and they definitely give that illusion of a skirt. I nearly didn’t get them because I feel like the crotch is quite low. But I think that is to give that skirt feel.

Now I really, I’m denied about what I wanted to put with these. I thought I’d go with something safe, which is just like a little band tea. This is honestly my go to band tea. You’ve probably seen me wear this like a million, trillion times. I just really like the way it fits. I love that the black is like a bit faded and it’s not so stark. And I also love the colors, how there’s like this orange and this kind of like natural creamy color. It seems to just work really well with all my clothes. So we’ll track it on and then hopefully I can find a jacket or a jumper because it’s cold. So I’m happy with how the shirt looks cuz I think it’s like little top, big pets. Very cute. This is nice, but it’s so cold right now, I’m probably gonna need a jacket. And I don’t know, my first thought just goes to this. I mean, it’s cute, but I just, I don’t know, the pants are throwing me off a little bit, I might say. What else I have. So this isn’t really adding a ton of warmth. It is an extra layer. I’m just trying to look in the mirror the same time. I mean, like the colors go, but I’m, I think I like it. I don’t feel that cold now, but I’ve just had a hot shower, so I’ll probably freeze a bit later. So I am, no, I changed the top because I think the shirt was kind of throwing me off with this cardigan over the top. So just gone like a little plane brown crop. And I think that’s so much cuter at a breath. So I just had to run a ticket.

They start from the laundry, but that is so much cuter. So let’s do some shoes and some jewelry. And I reckon we will lift this outfit just a little bit more. I think I’m finished and I think I’m happy with the fit as well. So on my baby on the floor, I’m wearing this necklace, which has a beautiful tiger’s eye in it. My friend’s mom made this necklace and she’s a bit unwell at the moment, so I thought I would wear that to keep her in my thoughts. And then I also have these gorgeous wooden earrings that I got from a local maker down south at a store. Think that looks super cute. And then for shoes, I wish I had something brown, but I’ve got my big creepers. They’re like a Dot Mountain creeper. I seem to wear them everywhere. I just love like the chunky, thick shoe with a wide leg pant seems to be my go to at the moment. But this term style in these pants, they were kind of tricky to style. But let me know what you think. Let me know if you think this is cute. I was kind of on the fence, but now I think I’m definitely loving it. I’m loving the fact that I put a bit of effort into my outfit today, even though I don’t really have anything super special to do.

Worth noting, this really cute cardigan was also thrifted from my little local boutique, salvos. I don’t know. I paid like 7 bucks for it. It’s gorgeous and I love that rusty color, too. If you haven’t seen my new hair, look how cute it is. I love the color, but that’s me. Hope you enjoy this. It’ll get ready with me. Maybe I’ll do more. I don’t know. But have a nice day.