Labradorite Wire-Wrapped in Copper: A Peachy Flash of Stunning Beauty

Okay, so let’s talk about this brand new stone that I got today
this is labradorite and it is a labradorite that flashes peach
so I really love that that’s absolutely stunning
okay let’s take a closer look
look it has peach orange
it’s gorgeous absolutely gorgeous
just look at that so what I plan to do with this is I plan to wire
wrap that in the copper colored wire which I have here
and as you can see look how the Labrador has copper in it
or at least the copper color
and look at the copper wire that I have
this is gonna be stunning
oh my gosh, alright
I’m now all done so gorgeous
I love this here is the back
and upon inspection this black part right here is within the stone
I just love how the copper just goes so flawlessly with the stone though