Blooming with Ambition: A Tribute to the Plantcon Team

Welcome back to my series,
Fresh Flower Fridays,
where I buy myself flowers every week while giving someone theirs.
One thing I absolutely love is when people have big visions,
and even more so when they set out to make those visions of reality.
This is why this week’s flowers are dedicated to PLANT CON.
A small but mighty team. And fun fact,
I’m actually on the Plantcon team officially.
I started a position a few weeks ago as the Partnerships Coordinator,
and essentially what that is,
is I oversee the ambassador program.
Being an ambassador for PLANT CON 1 and 2
definitely gave me some perspective.
It definitely helped me to form ideas
and ways in which the ambassador program could improve.
And I’m a firm believer in,
if you want to see the change,
be the change.
And I decided to offer up myself in a bigger capacity this year
by actually joining the team
and bringing a vision that I have about the ambassador program,
the life, to just make it bigger,
better, and equally beneficial for the ambassadors,
the businesses involved in PLANT CON,
Plant CON itself, and just really stimulating the PLANT CON ecosystem.
As an ambassador, I feel like we are the front runners.
We are the representatives.
We are the hype men.
We are the ones that get people excited about coming to PLANT CON,
about maybe even meeting us in real life,
and just all the fun things that happen at Plant Con,
these flowers aren’t about me.
These are truly about the rest of the Plant Con team. Kenny,
Gladys, and everyone else involved.
Y’all are amazing. Like,
let me just say that, first and foremost,
to be so young and to have such big vision,
such big goals,
and to do it all with class and have a professionalism about yourself
is top tier. Honestly,
I’ve never met a more professional group of young people.
And y’all might say that I’m young,
but honestly, like,
I’m in my 30s and they’re in their twenties.
Putting on big events such as Plant Con.
And like I said, I just admire their drive.
I admire the way that they handle criticism.
I admire the way in which they just persevere.
As tired as we are right now
with planning for Plant Con that’s coming up next week,
as exhausted as we are
and really have no more mental capacity for anything,
they still manage to keep a smile on their faces.
They still manage to stay positive even in times in which I couldn’t.
Because I am definitely feeling overwhelmed,
I am definitely feeling like I am up to here,
and I just have no more to give.
And yet I find a way to keep giving
because they continue to find ways to just keep giving themselves.
Plantcon really does magical things in the plant community.
Not only does it allow you to be able to meet people in real life,
That share the same passion and craziness about plants as you.
But it also just starts to create these connections,
these lifelong friendships that may not have happened otherwise.
I love that Plant Con is really for everyone.
It doesn’t matter what walk of life you’re from,
what part of your plant parenthood journey you’re in.
It really is a place,
a gathering for plant parents to just do plant parent things,
to be proud to be a plant parent,
and just have the time of their lives.
So, again,
I really appreciate the vision in which Plant Con set out
to create such an amazing experience for plant parents,
to create such an amazing opportunity for plant businesses
to get in front of their ideal customers
and just synergize together.
I am really grateful to be a part of the team this year.
I am so inspired by the team and just how they keep persevering.
I cannot stress that enough.
I mean,
they have literally gone above and beyond to create these events,
especially this one coming up in Dallas.
And I just couldn’t be more proud.
So if you haven’t bought your tickets for Plantcon Dallas,
I encourage you to.
There is still time to be able to come join in and all the fun.
And let me just give you a brief schedule breakdown
of what’s gonna happen. So Friday,
they’re having an opening reception at the hub in Allen,
and that should be a lot Of fun.
It’s kind of like an indoor
outdoor space
where we all get to just come and meet each other before Plant Con,
before all the craziness, good craziness happens,
and just network
and celebrate the fact that we’re gonna be together for the weekend,
and we are going to be having the time of our lives.
And then Saturday is day one of Plant Con.
You can come shop. There’s gonna be all kind of workshops.
There’s gonna be panels. This year,
I’m really excited because we are introducing an ambassador booth.
I’ve always wanted us to have a booth,
and I said, Kenny,
we need to have a booth this year.
And they were delighted to give us one.
So we’re gonna have a booth where all the ambassadors will be
so you can come meet us, come have fun.
We’re gonna be doing scavenger hunts
and all kind of table games to win prizes.
We’re gonna be going live,
of course, and just doing what content creators do,
you know?
We’re also doing another bi orb terrarium building competition
this year. I won’t be in it
because I don’t want to take another person’s chance
of potentially winning a Biorb again.
But I’m excited that six other ambassadors
are going to be able to face off against each other
and just have fun
creating a beautiful bi orb display that will go on auction.
So if you end up liking any of the bi orbs that Are created.
You can bid on your favorite one
and potentially win it for yourself to take home.
We’re also gonna have a DJ.
coming to Grace us with his presence and do some more planty music.
I absolutely love Rocco’s music.
I just love that he’s doing it for the plant parents,
you know? Of course,
like I said, there’s gonna be workshops.
We’re gonna have a cocodama station.
We’re gonna have terrarium building.
And this year,
what’s really exciting is they’re introducing a reptile sector.
So they’ll be an entire room dedicated to different kind of reptiles
that you can look at, potentially buy.
Of course, your favorite vendors,
international and local, are going to be there.
And I’m really excited to see what plants are going to be offered
at Plantcon this year. Don’t know if I’m gonna buy any,
but we’ll see. So to my Plantcon team,
these flowers are dedicated to you this week.
Thank you so much for your positivity.
Thank you so much for your dedication to bring amazing events
like plantcon to the plant community.
I am inspired by your perseverance
and how you overcome challenges
and manage to keep a smile on your face entire time doing it.
And I’m just grateful to be a part of a team of amazing,
wonderful individuals such as yourself.
So cheers to you, and I will see you all at Plant Con.