Navigating the Path to Progress: A Closer Look at Kamala Harris’ Economic Policies and Vision for America

I want to talk a little bit about policy,
because leading up to the convention,
Kamala Harris teased and then dropped, like,
her economic policy. So we’re getting more news,
more info on what would actually be the reality
if all circumstances were perfect for her policies to be passed.
If we had and when we have a Kamala Harris presidency.
So she’s gonna address food prices and inflation.
She’s promising to, in her first 100 days in office,
put federal limits on price gouging food. Right?
I mean, my milk is expensive,
for sure. My eggs at my supermarket, $12. Uh,
they’re organic, but still.
Girl, you gotta go somewhere else.
I’m gonna go to the farmers market.
No, they’re literally price gouging.
Like, my supermarket is, like,
the example of price gouging.
I think that it has been emphasized throughout
and has been a common theme.
And it. It’s just, like,
known that if there is a weakness for the Democrats in 2024,
it’s around the economy, and it’s specifically
because people do not know
or understand where Democrats stand on some of the issues,
and that’s what they’re trying to,
I think, break through on is that, like,
there is a plan in place that’s very aggressive
to help the middle class.
I have not heard such an emphasis on the middle class in recent
sort of months or years or from the RNC.
But there’s a very palpable focus here on labor
and on policies that Are going to help the middle class.
Yeah, some more.
She’s calling for the construction of 3 million new housing units,
which would ease the very serious,
very real housing crisis in this country.
Also, this one is exciting.
$25,000 in down payment assistance
to help turn renters into first time home buyers.
$25,000, that is a huge chunk in a down payment for many,
many Americans. Oh, absolutely.
She wants to expand the child tax credit.
So restore the child tax credit to the pandemic era
American rescue plan levels,
which cut child poverty in half.
Thank you. And until Republicans blocked it from being extended,
uh, I think,
along with Joe Manchin, we had made the fastest progress
in eliminating child poverty in this country
that we have ever.
Here’s one that I really like
that she announced was the 6,000 tax credit for newborns.
And you think you know Republicans.
You made this point on your Instagram,
which I think cuts right to the point.
Are pro birth, they’re not pro life.
Because Republicans wanna cut child tax credits.
They have never once offered a tax credit for newborns.
So what are you actually doing to help American families
bring children into this world?
Right. They do not want to make it easier
to form the kind of family that you want,
obviously, like via things like IVF
or via social programs
that can actually facilitate the kind of family formation
that they espouse to, to support.
Right. That they.
That they pretend to support.
Instead, they just wanna, like,
take away birth control
and just hope that it brings America’s birth rate up.
They’re obsessed with the birth rate.
So weird. And it’s all very weird.
And it shows the sort of empty promise of their solutions.
That, again,
it’s not about, like,
a helping the people who are struggling through the challenges.
It’s about sort of putting forth ideological boogeyman.
Climate change. Remember last episode,
The Unhinged Woman talking about air quotes,
climate change, and how it’s, like,
about birth, right?
Population control. Now,
when I think of climate change,
I immediately think of population control.
Don’t you? Yeah.
No, no, babe,
the planet’s just literally on fire.
Okay, this one is a little wonky,
and I don’t think it’s actually good policy.
Hmm. This was, like,
six weeks ago. Trump is, like,
doing one of his rallies in Nevada,
where obviously there’s a ton of hospitality workers.
So I’m gonna cut, uh,
tax on tips. You’re not gonna get tax on your tips anymore.
So this is the first time I’ve said this.
And for those hotel workers and people that get tips,
you’re gonna be very happy,
because when I get to office,
we are going to not charge taxes on tips.
People making tips.
And, you know,
I’ll hand it to Kamala Harris,
she said, same.
And eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers
100%. But she’s like,
me too. I Mean,
that is for those who are looking for Dems to play hardball politics.
That’s what that is. Yeah,
that’s like, okay,
if you’re gonna make shit up in order to try to, like,
dupe these workers into voting for you,
then, like,
all support the same policy.
We’ll do it, too.
Let’s just tax millionaires and billionaires fairly.
Which is, like,
also a key component of the plan.
Right. And they talked about that as well.
I think that the policy rollout has been strong,
and the messaging throughout the convention has been really consistent.
It’s super union focused. We’ve seen a lot of representation from labor.
It’s been very focused on reproductive rights,
on protecting democracy from.
Donald Trump economy. Chips. Absolutely.
Joe Biden last night talking about the chips.
Bring the chips back. The chips.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I only started learning about chips recently.
I don’t know why. I was, like,
in a chip hole,
and I realized that we actually invented chips in America,
and then we shipped all of the manufacturing abroad.
Right. Which is, like,
what? Doesn’t make any sense,
but we’re bringing it back.
Joe Biden is bringing the chips back.
Yeah. Everyone has a chip.
Like, it’s in your phone,
it’s in your computer, it’s in this microphone.
It is weird how Donald Trump loves to talk about, like,
import export deficits, and then Joe Biden’s one who,
like, fixing them,
actually does it, but, like,
no one talks about it. When Biden does it.
You’ve heard me repeatedly.
I have said that there are two types of people left in America.
The people who love Donald Trump and everybody else.
Yeah. And so in order to unify that everybody else,
I do think that Harris needs to address media concerns
or whoever’s sort of concerned about that,
even, even voter concerns about, like,
what the specific platform is.
And we just need to give people a vision and a direction
that she’s going to move in with Congress.
Not a 72 point policy plan that is like,
make or break for voters,
because we know that that’s not what people vote based on.
Well, I think just in terms of timeline,
like, we know that the DNC is literally the week of vibes.
That’s the whole point. Yeah.
It’s our rallying cry and, like,
upward swing of momentum and energy.
So I think as we look to next week and the following,
we’re gonna be getting more and more from Paris
on what her administration would look like.
I think that’s spot on. So if this week
she can introduce herself to more of the country
and talk about her American story
and what brought her to the White House now
and what her vision for the country looks like,
what will paint that picture for the American people,
those are going to be the things,
I think, that grow the coalition of people behind her
and energize the base to go Knock on millions of doors
and make millions of phone calls
and connect with the people who need it most? Sign me up.